| MIL-D-70789A (AR)
be completed within 60 seconds after receipt of the update
command. NOTE: During initialization, the DRU must determine
approximate azimuth before it can relate an offset position (zero
reference point) to the DRU position for a position update.)
3.5.8 Configuration data. The DRU shall use configuration
data to tailor its operation to the prime system requiremefits.
This data includes alignment angles to vehicle and prime system
payload being oriented (pointing device), offset distances
between the DRU and prime system position reference point, and
configuration definition flags.
Additional information such as nominal odometer scale factor and
fuel consumption factor is provided for use as needed by a
manufacturer's DRU design. Software case boresight angles to vehicle. The DRU
shall use the software case boresight angles to the vehicle, (X,
as defined in, to calculate Vehicle Pitch,
Vehicle Cant, Vehicle Roll, Vehicle Grid Azimuth, and Vehicle
Geodetic Azimuth. Software case boresight and angles to Pointing device.
The DRU shall use the software case boresight angles to the
pointing device, A, B and r, as defined in, to
calculate Pointing Device Grid Azimuth, Pointing Device Geodetic
Azimuth, Pointing-Device Pitch, Pointing Device-Cant, Pointing
Device Roll, Pointing Device Pitch Rate, Pointing Device Roll
Rate, and Pointing Device Azimuth Rate. There shall be separate
sets of pointing device boresight angles for Orientation 1 and
Orientation 2 ( Position offset distances. The DRU shall use
position offset distances to transfer positions to/from a
reference point on the transporting vehicle. There shall be
separate sets of position offset distances for Orientation 1 and
Orientation 2 (
In Orientation 1, the position offset distances, AX, AY, and AZ,
are in the vehicle coordinate frame and are measured from the DRU
case reference frame origin. AX, the offset along the vehicle
longitudinal axis, is positive if the offset point is forward of
the DRU in the direction of travel and is negative if behind.
AY, the offset along the vehicle cross axis, is positive if the
offset point is to the right of the DRU, looking in the direction
of forward travel, and is negative if to the left. AZ, the
offset along the vehicle vertical axis, is positive if the offset
point is above the DRU and is negative if below.
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