| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR) 1-2 threshold angle.
This angle is used in
conjunction with the Orientation Changes Based on Pointing Device
Pitch and Orientation Changes Based on Pointing Device Roll
configuration flags. This is the pointing device pitch or roll
angle in terms of Orientation 1 at which the DRU shall transition
from Orientation 1 to Orientation 2 when crossed in the direction
specified by the 1-2 Direction of Traverse flag.
The ranges are
-1600 to +1600 roils for pitch and -3199 to +3200 roils for roll. 2-1 threshold angle. This angle is used in
conjunction with the Orientation Changes Based on Pointing Device
Pitch and Orientation Change Based on Pointing Device Roll
configuration flags. This is the pointing device pitch or roll
angle, in terms of Orientation 2, at which the DRU shall
transition from Orientation 2 to Orientation 1 when crossed in
the direction specified by the 2-1 Direction of Traverse flag.
The ranges are -1600 to +1600 roils for pitch and -3199 to +3200
mils for roll. Shot detect interval. When the Shot Detect
Configuration Definition Flag is set and the DRU detects a shot,
the DRU shall set Shot Detect STATUS bit S2/3 for the Shot Detect
Interval specified in configuration data. Travel lock reference
shall be corrected for vehicle rotations which occur during gun
firing at the end of the Shot Detect Interval.
3.S.9 Boresight angles.
angles. Vehicle boresight angle entry. If the
If the Vehicle
Boresight Angles configuration flag is set, upon receipt of a
valid ACCEPT VEHICLE BORESIGHT command, the DRU shall: store the
received vehicle boresight angles in program alterable,
non-volatile memory; set a Vehicle Boresight Angles Present flag,
which indicates that vehicle boresight angles were received and
stored; and use the new values. The stored vehicle boresight
angles shall not be modified unless a new ACCEPT VEHICLE
BORESIGHT command is received or they are cleared in accordance
with When the Vehicle Boresight Angles Present flag
is reset, the DRU shall:
set ALERT DATA bit D2/7; set STATUS bit
S1/7; and reset STATUS bits S1/4, S1/5, and S2/2. ALERT DATA bit
D2/7 shall not be reset until a valid ACCEPT VEHICLE BORESIGHT
command has been received and processed.
If the Vehicle Boresight Angles configuration flag is reset, the
DRU shall use the permanently stored values for vehicle boresight
angles for the selected configuration code.
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