| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR) Clearing vehicle boresight angles. Upon power-up,
the DRU shall clear the temporary stored vehicle boresight angles
and reset the Vehicle Boresight Angles Present Flag when: the
configuration code number at turnon differs from the
configuration code number present when the DRU was last shut off;
or the DRU detects a fault condition where the stored vehicle
boresight angles may have been altered. Output of vehicle boresight angles. Upon receipt
of a RETURN VEHICLE BORESIGHT command, the DRU shall transmit the
vehicle boresight angles presently being used in a VEHICLE
BORESIGHT Message. Pointing device boresight angles. Pointinq device boresight angle entry. If the
Pointing Device Boresight Angles configuration flag is set, upon
receipt of a valid ACCEPT POINTING DEVICE BORESIGHT command, the
DRU shall: store the received pointing device boresight angles in
program alterable, non-volatile memory; set a Pointing Device
Boresight Angles Present flag, which indicates that pointing
device boresight angles were received and stored; and use the new
values. The stored pointing device boresight angles shall not be
modified unless a new ACCEPT POINTING DEVICE BORESIGHT command is
received or they are cleared in accordance with When
the Pointing Device Boresight Angles Present flag is reset, the
DRU shall: set ALERT DATA bit D5/4; set STATUS bit S1/7; and
reset STATUS bits S1/4, S1/S, and S2/2. ALERT DATA bit D5/4
shall not be reset until a valid ACCEPT POINTING DEVICE BORESIGHT
command has been received and processed.
If the Pointing Device Boresight Angles configuration flag is
reset, the DRU shall use the permanently stored values for
pointing device boresight angles for the selected configuration
code. Clearinq pointing device boresight angles. Upon
power-up, the DRU shall clear the temporary stored pointing
device boresight angles and reset the Pointing Device Boresight
Angles Present Flag when: the configuration code number at
turnon differs from the configuration code number present when
the DRU was last shut off; or the DRU detects a fault condition
where the stored pointing device boresight angles may have been
altered. Output of Pointinq device boresight anqles. Upon
shall transmit the pointing device boresight angles presently
being used in a POINTING DEVICE BORESIGHT message.
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