| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
Identification marking missing, incomplete or not
The presence of one or more defect(s) shall constitute a failure
of the examination.
4.8.2 Environmental stress screening. The DRU shall be
subjected to the ESS vibration and temperature tests according to
Figure 21 and the following.
ESS vibration. The DRU shall be mounted on a
vibration device capable of performing the vibration levels as
specified. The DRU shall be subjected to the levels as specified
in paragraph 3.7.12. ESS temperature cycling. The DRU shall be placed
in a temperature chamber and subjected to the cycles as specified
in the requirements of paragraph
4.8.3 Quality verification tests. Quality Verification
Tests shall simulate normal operational conditions and verify
BIT, modes of operating, updating of parameters, communication
interfaces, VMS interface, discretes, power supply output,
correct operation with high and low input voltages,
turnon/turnoff and functional characteristics by measurement.
Failure to meet specified values for any monitored parameter, any
out of tolerance condition, or malfunction, shall constitute
failure of the test and rejection of the DRU.
Quality Verification Tests shall include an azimuth alignment
accuracy test. The data sample size shall be in accordance with
the approved test procedure. No data shall be excluded from the
RMS calculation. If the azimuth error is 1.0 mil RMS, or less,
the unit shall have passed the test. If the azimuth error exceeds
1.0 roil, RMS, the unit shall be rejected.
Quality Verification Tests shall include pitch and roll accuracy
tests. The data sample shall be in accordance with the approved
test procedure. No data shall be excluded from a RMS calculation.
If the pitch error and the roll error are 0.5 mil RMS, or less,
the unit shall have passed the test. If either the pitch error or
roll error exceeds 0.5 roil, RMS, the unit shall be rejected.
Quality Verification Tests shall include position drift and
survey azimuth accuracy tests.
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