| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Logic Subunit to CRT Tray
Signal Characteristics
(1) logical "1"= 3 - 6 volts, Drive = 2 MA maximum
logical "0" = 0 . 0 + 0 . 5 - 0 . 0 v o l t
(2) Selection of Function Messages to be Displayed on Matrix
Readout Switches - The Logic Subunit shall supply four message combination selection lines to the
CRT Tray. The four bit code shall determine the combination of function messages to be displayed on
the Matrix Readout switches. The four bit code shall also cause the Matrix Select switch whose
legend describes the combination of function messages currently being displayed on the Matrix Read-
out switches to be illuminated with a colored background.
(3) Monofunction and Matrix Background Illumination - The
Universal Keyset Logic shall supply a background illumination control line to the Universal Keyset for
each of the eight Matrix and eight computer lit Monofunction switches. When a line is in the logical
"l" state, the colored background on the switch shall be illuminated. A logical "O" on the line shall
not illuminate the colored background. The logical state of an illumination control line shall be under
computer program control.
Logic Subunit to Ordnance Panel and Aircraft System
Signal Characteristics
(1) logical "1" = 3 - 6 volts Drive = 2 MA maximum
logical "0" = 0.0+0.5-0.0 volt
(2) Message Selection Codes for Four PRO's - The Logic Subunit
shall supply four message selection code lines to the Ordnance Panel for each of the four PRO'S . The
four bit code on each set of selectior lines shall determine the message to be displayed on the associ-
ated PRO.
(3) Message Selection Data for Status Readout and Alert Signals -
The Logic Subunit shall supply three message selection data lines to the Status Readout. The three
bits shall determine the Status Indicator or alert indicator to be illuminated.
(4) The Logic Unit shall provide 100 MA, +12. O volts unregulated
d-c power and a ground reference to the aircraft system for the operation of alert indicator interface
The alert signal is not located on the Ordnance
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