| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
In addition to the operations described above, Field A shall enable
or disable one of the test loops in the Logic Subunit,
(2) Field B - a logical "l" shall enable the test loop specified by
Field A. A logical "0" shall disable the test loop specified by Field A. This bit is stored in the same
register as the Field C bits.
(3) Field C - `The interpretation and storage location of Field C
depends upon Field A.
Logic Subunit to Digital Input Multiplexer - Communication between
DIM shall be in accordance with 3.5. 1.4.1
a Logic Subunit and the
Digital Output Multiplexer to Logic Subunit - Communications
between a Logic Subunit and the DOM shall be in accordance with
Clock Signal from Maintenance Control Panel Logic to Logic
Subunit - A 10 millisecond clock signal for the Logic Subunit shall be generated within the MCPL.
Enter Signal from Logic Subunit to Digital Input Multiplexer - An
Enter signal shall be generated within the Logic Subunit when the subunit has data for transmission to
the computer. This Enter signal shall be transmitted to the DIM.
Pilot Keyset or CRT Tray or Ordnance Panel to Logic Subunit
Signal Characteristics
(1) logical "1" = 0 . 0 + 0 . 5 - 0 - V o l t
logical "0" = open
(2) Switch Common - The switches on a device (Pilot Keyset or
CRT Tray or Ordnance Panel) are wired as one group. A switch common line for the group shall be
provided by the device to the Logic Subunit. The switch common shall make a transition from logical
"1" to logical "O" whenever a switch is depressed. The switch common signal shall remain a logical
"O" until the operator releases the switch (a minimum of 50 milliseconds). Up to 10 milliseconds of
contact bounce noise may be present on both the leading and trailing edges of the signal.
(3) Switch Line - The device shall supply one switch line to the
Logic Subunit for each switch it contains. A switch line shall make the transition from logical "O" to
logical "1" whenever the associated switch is depressed. The signal shall remain a logical "l" until
the switch is released (a minimum of 50 milliseconds). Up to 10 milliseconds of contact bounce may
be present on both the leading and trailing edges of the signal.
(4) Ground - All signals between the Pilot Keyset, CRT Tray,
Ordnance Panel and the Logic Subunit shall be referenced to the Logic Subunit signal return. The
Logic Subunit signal return shall be isolated from the CRT Tray, Pilot Keyset and Ordnance Panel
Logic chassis and airframe ground.
Logic Subunit to Pilot Keyset
(1) logical "1" = 3-6 volts, Drive = 2 MA maximum
logical "0" = 0.0+0.5-0.0 volt
(2) Monofunction Background Illumination - The Logic Subunits
shall supply a background illumination control line to the Pilot Keyset for each of the computer lit
Monofunction switches. When a line is in the logical "l" state, the colored background on the switch
will be illuminated. A logical "O" on the line will not illuminate the colored background. The logical
state of an illumination control line shall be under computer program control.
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