| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Special Weapon Sation Select Cue - (1 relay)
Function illuminates an indicator lamp on pilot's armament panel.
(Indicator lamp requests pilot to select special weapon station.)
(15) Search Power Cue - (1 relay)
Lights an indicator lamp on pilot's armament panel. This lamp
requests pilot to put Ssarch Power switch in other position.
Armament Output Logic to Armament/Ordnance Test Panel -
Each output line from the AOL to the Aircraft Armament System shall also be transmitted to an ex-
ternally located Armament/Ordnance Test Panel. This Test Panel shall contain one indicator lamp
for each function except cue signals and shall be arranged such that when the function is active the
indicator lamp is illuminated. The Test Panel is discussed in detail in 3.5.2 .4.4.5 and 3.5.5.
Armament/Ordnance Test Panel
Functional Description - The Armament/Ordnance Test Panel
shall provide an operator with a means of monitoring the performance of the AOL and OOL. The test
Panel shall be used during System Test and Integration Tests to verify the operation of the control
logics. Indicator lamps shall be provided for each output function of both logics except cue signals.
General Description - The Armament/Ordnance Test Panel shall
perform the following functions:
(1) Display the results of each output function of the AOL, such
that the indicator shall be illuminated when the function is active exclusive of cues.
(2) Display the result of each output function of the OOL, such
that the indicator shall be illuminated when the function is active.
Interface Requirements
General - The Armament/Ordnance Test Panel shall provide one
indicator light for each output (to the aircraft systems) of the AOL and OOL except cue signals. A
power switch (not shown in the diagram) shall be provided to disable all indicator lamps such that when
the Power switch is off, no power will be drawn from the input lines to the lamps. In addition, a lamp
test circuit (not shown in diagram) shall be provided to test the indicator lamps in such a manner that
no interaction shall occur between input signals when the lamp test is used.
The Armament/Ordnance Test Panel shall provide the +12.0 volt
power to operate the ARM/ORD isolation relays in the three ARM/ORD interconnection boxes. This
power shall not be switched from the front of the test panel and shall remain active as long as input power
is applied from the aircraft power distribution system.
The Armament/Ordnance Test Panel shall serve as a junction
box and distribute the signals to the Aft-Interconnection Box and the Search Stores Interconnection Box.
The outputs of the AOL to the FWD-Interconnection Box shall be wired directly from Logic Unit 2 and
not the Armament/Ordnance Test Panel. All inputs from the three ARM/ORD Interconnection Boxes
shall be wired directly to Logic Unit 2.
Input Singals - Input signals from the Armament and Ordnance
Output logics shall be the same signals which are transmitted to the aircraft system.
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