| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Data Analysis Logic Unit MX-8034/AYA-8 (Logic Unit 3)
Function: See 3.4.9.
Form Factor: Refer to illustration in EI-515, Avionics Instal-
3. 5.3.2
lation instructions for Data Analysis Programming Group AN/AYA-8B.
W e i g h t : See
Contents: See 3.4.4.
Multipurpose Display Logic
Functional Description - The Multipurpose Display (MPD) Logic
shall be designed to accept computer generated digital information, convert it to a form suitable for
driving a 16 inch Charactron Display with alphanumeric symbols, conies, radar, and low light tele-
vision patterns as required for the Tactical Coordinator and Sensor Station Operators. The MPD logic
shall be capable of transmitting digital information to the computer. Figure 93 is a Functional Flow
Diagram of the MPD Logic.
General Description - The MPD Logic Subunit receives signals,
in the form of 30 bit parallel words, from the digital computer via the Maintenance Control Panel.
These signals are transferred from the computer to the MPD Logic Subunit on an Output Data Request/
Output Acknowledge basis or External Function Request/External Function basis.
The characteristics of this interface are described in Appendix I,
Computer Input/Output Specification. The MPD Display is required to do several operations in re-
sponse to the computer words. In one case, it must open an analog information channel to display
conic, TV, or radar information, centering it on the computer supplied coordinates. Another com-
mand may cause it to draw a line between two points on the display's 512 by 512 coordinate grid. A
third may cause it to plot an alphanumeric character or symbol at a specified point. A fourth may re-
quire it to print five characters in a horizontal line. There are many variations on the above men-
tioned operations, which will be described. The MPD requires binary signals to specify CRT beam
position, character or symbol selection, analog gate control, properly timed signals for CRT un-
blinking, and beam focus signals for spot writing. The purpose of the MPD Logic is to convert com -
puter signals to a form required by the MPD to perform the above operations. The MPD Logic shall
transmit 24 bits of information on an input Data Request/Input Acknowledge basis, to the computer.
Requirements - The MPD Logic shall be capable of
performing the following operations:
(1) Receive data from the computer via the Maintenance Control
(2) Provide information to the MPD for plotting a character.
(3) Provide information for drawing a vector.
(4) Provide initial position, character selection and positioning
information for simulating the operation of a typewriter.
(5) Interpreting and operating on digital commands in the type-
writer mode.
(6) Provide information to the Function Generator Logic for
drawing an ellipse or circle on the MPD.
(7) Provide information to the MPD for opening any of four
analog channels.
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