| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
(8) Interpret an End of Data signal from the computer and
synchronize the display frame with the 40 Hz Sync.
(9) Select either the 40 Hz or 57.1 Hz frame Sync to synchron-
ize display operations.
(10) Transmit data to the computer via the Maintenance Control
Modes of Operation - The MPD Logic shall be capable of mani-
pulating input information in several different ways, depending on the setting of the Operating Mode
switch located on the MPD console. The switch settings are: On- Line, for normal operation under
computer control: Off -Line, for operation of the analog devices (scan converted radar, LLLTV, spare
scan converter, and raw radar video on the Sensor Operator's MPD)) without the computer, and several
internally generated test patterns for checkout, operational verification, and alignment of the analog
portions of the display. Operation in the various modes is as follows:
(1) On-Line Mode - In the On-Line mode of operation, the dis-
play shall be under the control of the computer. Only the timing of the individual operations and
frame rate timing are controlled by the MPD Logic. Operations performed by the MPD) Logic are:
receive and transmit data from and to the computer via the Maintenance Control Panel; provide informa-
tion for drawing a vector; provide initial position, X and Y position incrementation, and character
selection information for simulating the operation of a typewriter; interpreting and operating on digi-
tal commands in the typewriter mode such as Carriage Return and End of Message; provide informa-
tion to the Function Generator for drawing a conic; provide information to the MPD for opening analog
channels 1, 2, 3, or 4; interpret an End of Data signal from the computer and use this to synchronize
the display frame with the 40 or 57.1 Hz frame rate sync pulse from the Master Timing Logic (MTL).
(2) Off-Line/Analog Mode - The Off-Line mode of operation
shall allow the analog channels to be activated manually from the MPD Off-Line/Analog Mode switch,
located at the MPD, without the aid of the computer. This mode shall be used for testing or confidence
check of the analog channels and peripheral devices. The settings of the Off-Line/Analog switch are:
Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, and Channel 4.
(3) Test Modes - To test the various operational functions of the
logic and to aid in the alignment of the display, internally generated test patterns shall be incorporated
and controlled from the MPD. The test patterns shall include the following: Matrix Test, an alignment
pattern showing all 64 selectable characters in an 8 by 8 square array; Registration Test, a Matrix
Test pattern except a "plus" sign is superimposed on each character; Vector Test, a pattern of vectors
used for a confidence check and length alignment; Type Mode Test, a simulated typewritten page; and
Function Generator Test, a confidence check and alignment pattern.
(4) Analog Channel Enable - This mode of operation shall allow
for the display of the information present at the analog channels of the MPD, as selected by the MPD's
Off-Line/Analog switch, bypassing the MPD Logic Unit. In this mode, all digital signals being trans-
mitted to the MPD shall be a logical "O" except for frame and word sync.
Interface Requirements - Refer to the functional flow diagram
(Figure 93).
Maintenance Control Panel - Signals between the MPD Logic and
MCP shall be as follows:
(1) Computer Signals - The MPD Logic shall receive 30 bits
and transmit 24 bit, parallel, binary words from and to the computer through the Maintenance Control
Panel. Data transfer is accomplished as described in Appendix I.
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