| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Signals to Function Generator Logic
Signals from Multipurpose Display Logic - The FGL shall re-
ceive 20 data lines, and two control lines. Th e control 1 and 2 lines associate the axis (semimajor
or the semiminor) with the data word. The time between transmission of the leading edges of ad-
jacent control signals shall be a minimum of 8 microseconds. After the second control signal (semi-
minor axis data word identifier) is transmitted, the MPD Logic will inhibit transmission of any
further control lines until after it receives the Reset signal from the FGL.
Signals from Master Timing Logic - The FGL shall receive the
following signals from the MTL:
(1) Diagnostic Instruction - The FGL shall receive six lines of
diagnostic instruction from the MTL.
(2) Clock - The FGL shall receive 1.536 MHz clock from the
Signa1s from Function Generator Logic
Signal to Multipurpose Display Logic - The FGL shall transmit
the reset line to the MPD logic.
Signals to Master Timing Logic - The FGL shall transmit 13
bits of diagnostic data to the MTL when so instructed.
Signals to Multipurpose Display - These signals shall be as
(1) Video Signal - The video signal shall have its amplitude
directly proportional to the magnitude of the major axis, and shall have a minimum of four discrete
levels of equal magnitude to control the brightness of conies on the MPD. The video circuit shall
supply a positive going signal from O. 0 volts to btween 2.0 to 2.5 volts. The following is a table of
the desired video increments.
Video Voltage (+5% +20 mv) %Maximum Radius Displayed
0 - 25%
0.0% x Maximum Voltage
26- 50%
6. 5% x Maximum Voltage
51- 75%
25% x Maximum Voltage
76- 100%
Maximum Voltage
(2) Unblank Signal - The Unblank signal shall be transmitted as
a positive pulse to the unblank input of the appropriate analog channel of the MPD. The amplitude of
this pulse shall be +5.0 1,0 volts and a duration of 83.3 to 90 microseconds.
(3) Deflection Signals - The X and Y deflection sinusoidal sig-
nals shall have a frequency of 12 KHz. The maximum deflection voltage (one display radius) shall be
+12.0 to +16.0 volts.
Input/Output Signal Characteristics
Maintenance Control Panel, MPD 1 Logic and Master Timing
Logic - All internal digital signals between the FGL and the MCP, the MPD 1 Logic and MTL shall be
transmitted over single ended lines whose logical "zero" shall be 0.0, +0.5, -0.0 volts and logical
"one" shall be 5.0 +1.5 volts.
Clock - The clock signal transmitted from the MTL to the FGL
shall be a square wave whose frequency is 1.536 MHz.
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