| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
T r i a x i a l Transmissions - All signals to the MPD 1 shall be
transmitted via Ampheno1 421-033 cable or equivalent terminated in a differential amplifer whose
input impedance shall be 90 to 95 ohms and 100 pf maximum. The coaxial cable shall not exceed 100
feet. The signals shall be as follows:
X and Y Deflection Signals - The X and Y deflection signal
characteristics shall be as specified in 3. and 2.3(3).
(2) Video Signals - The video signal characteristics shall be
as specified in In addition, the rise time and the fall time of this signal when
measured at the 10% and 90% amplitude points shall be a maximum of 100 nanoseconds.
(3) Unblank Signal - The Unblank signal characteristics shall
be as specified in In addition the rise time and fall time of this signal when
measured at the 10% and 90% amplitude points shall be a maximum of 100 nanoseconds.
Description of Operation
Data Transmission - The computer via the MPD Logic, trans-
mits two data words to the FG, in one's complement form. Each word is accompanied by one control
signal which strobes the data into either the sin 8 or cos
storage register. The crystal oscillator in
the MCP generates a 1.536 MHz square wave which is divided into four 12 KHz output square waves.
The timing and control circuitry senses the Word 2 strobe and permits the 12 KHz square waves to
individually strobe the outputs of the storage registers.
Digital to Analog Converter - The digital to analog converter
circuitry receives data at a 12 KHz rate. The D/A converts this 12 KHz signal into a modulated
square wave symmetrical about a DC voltage level. The amplitude of the D/A output signal is a func-
tion of the one's complement data transferred from the storage registers.
Video Circuitry - This circuitry monitors the two most signifi-
cant magnitude bits of the semimajor storage registers for the purpose of generating the video signal.
This signal shall be a function of the conic size to be displayed.
Analog Filters and Sum Circuitry - This circuitry algebraically
ay sin
and bx cos
by sin
to produce a shifted sinusoidal signal. Low pass filters
sums ax sin
convert the incoming square wave into an analog sine wave signal.
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