| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Drum Speed - Drum speed shall not be less than 4750 rpm nor
greater than 4850 rpm.
Magnetic Drum Memory Subassemblies - The Magnetic Drum
Memory shall be comprised of the following subassemblies:
(1) Drum Subassembly - The drum subassembly shall consist
of the rotating drum mechanism, and those portions of the track address selection and read/write
electronics which good engineering judgement indicates should be a part of the drum subassembly.
The drum subassembly shall include an elapsed time meter type MS-17322-6A which shall be an
integral part of the drum subassembly.
(2) Drum Electronics Subassemblies - The drum electronics
subassembly or subassemblies shall contain all read/write, clock, addressing, and control elec-
tronics not included in the drum subassembly.
(3) Drum Power Supply Subassemblies - The drum power
supply subassembly or subassemblies shall contain all power supplies needed by the drum and drum
electronics subassemblies. In addition, if based on good engineering judgement, certain control
functions such as the drum speed control may be located in this subassembly.
(4) Drum RFI Subassembly - The RFI subassembly shall con-
sist of a suitable RFI filter such that the MDM can meet all of the applicable input electric power and
EMI requirements of this specification. The RFI subassembly shall also include bleeder resistors to
provide a discharge path for stored charge after power is removed from the MDM. Provision shall
also be made internal to the RFI subassembly for termination of the MDM safety ground to the case of
the RFI subassembly. The case of the RFI subassembly shall achieve chassis ground when installed
in Logic Unit 4 through its mechanical configuration and the RFI mating surface shall therefore be
free of any external electrical insulating materials, coatings, etc.
The interface between the MDM power cable and the RFI
subassembly shall be a connector to allow the MDM assembly (less RFI subassembly) to be readily
removed from the Logic Unit 4 enclosure.
Form Factor - The Magnetic Drum Memory shall have overall
dimensions to comply with Unit 4 Outline Dimensions given in E 1-515, Avionics Installation
Instructions for Data Analysis Programming Group AN/AYA-8B.
M o u n t i n g - All subassemblies of the MDM shall be mounted
directly to the MDM assembly itself unless otherwise specified. The MDM shall be mounted on slides
extending from the side of Logic Unit 4. These slides shall have two detents, one for normal inspec-
tion and normal troubleshooting and one for the removal of the MDM. These slides shall be strong
enough to support the extended MDM. The MDM removal detent position shall protrude far enough
to permit servicing the MDM without detaching from the logic enclosure. Cables, harnessing,
clamps and retractors shall be such as to allow smooth operation of the MDM in and out of Logic
unit 4.
Functional Interfaces - The interface between the Magnetic
Drum Memory and the Drum Controller shall be as shown in Figure 153.
Drum Controller to Magnetic Drum Memory - Signals from the
Drum Controller to the MDM shall consist of the following:
(1) Write Command -1 Line
(2) Read Command -1 Line
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