| ![]() MIL-L81347C(AS)
Data -8 Lines
Track Address -9 Lines
MDM Test Modes -4 Lines
Sector Begin - 1 Line
Sector End -1 Line
MDM Manual Test Inhibit -1 Line
MDC Test Mode Inhibit -1 Line
MDM SI (System Initialize) -1 Line
DAMS OTB2 (Out-of-Tolerance Bit) -1 Line
MDM Track Test Inhibit -1 Line
Magnetic Drum Memory to Drum Controller - Signals from the
MDM to the Drum Controller shall consist of the following:
Word Clock - 1 Line
Tachometer Pulse - 1 Line
Data - 8 Lines
MDM Status -6 Lines
Byte Parity Error - 2 Lines
Byte Clock - 1 Line
Preamble Detect -1 Line
MDM Test Error -1 Line
MDM Test Complete - 1 Line
MDM Temp Sht Dn Status (Temperature Shut Down Status) -
1 Line (return isolated `from ground)
Bit Clk Tst (Bit Clock Test) - 1 Line
- Two calibrated
Mechanical Signature Analysis (MSA) Outputs
accelerometer shall be included as part of the drum subassembly for the purpose of
obtaining mechan-
ical signature analysis data. The accelerometers shall be located in close proximity
to the drum
bearings. Accelerometer outputs shall be provided and shall be located on the MDM
front panel.
Controller Power Signals - Power signals between the Drum
Controller and Magnetic Drum Memory shall be as follows:
(1) DAMS OTB 2 (DAMS tit-of-Tolerance Bit 2) - The MDM
shall have the capability of monitoring the DAMS 2 line. Whenever a Logic 1 l evel is present on
the DAMS OTB 2-line, the MDM shall process any write, read or test instruction. Whenever an open-
circuit condition is detected, the MDM shall go into an immediate standby condition which precludes
any further data processing activity or acceptance of control signals. Upon detection of a Logic 1
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