| MIL-D-89009
created and exhaustively reviewed for attribute code
accuracy. In most cases, a second and third plot shall
be created to verify that identified errors have been
corrected. At times cartographic interpretation must be
made regarding representation of ONC features in the
DCW. These decisions must be tempered with the judgment
of cartographic appropriateness. For example, when a
stream on the ONC is represented by both perennial and
intermittent symbology, a decision as to where to begin
or end the appropriate stream code is influenced by the
adjoining stream symbology.
d. Verification review. This is a review of all thematic
data plotted together to verify proper integration or
feature positioning between coverages. Additionally,
the check shall be used as a means for identifying and
correcting problems with text placement. For example, a
check shall be made to verify that text strings do not
e. Tiling review. The tiling review shall be conducted to
verify that the tile-splitting process has been
performed correctly. This entails reviewing a random
sample of tiles in various coverages to verify the
correctness of the tile split, and to ensure
cartographic and attribute data completeness.
f. Software review. Development or enhancements of the
software interface is subject to a variety of controls,
including formal reviews of system design documentation
and functionality.
g. Final quality control review. This is a review of the
final vendor data format prior to VPF conversion. All
attribute names and attribute definitions are verified.
Additionally, a final frequency count of all features
for each thematic layer shall be recorded. All thematic
layers are verified for the correct units of measure.
Finally, a check shall be conducted to verify that all
edit masks are removed, and that the correct topology is
h. Data translation review. This step is a review of the
translated vendor data format into VPF format. The
number of features, attribute definitions, and topology
are verified between formats.
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