| ![]() MIL-D-89009
Attribute accuracy. Attribute accuracy refers to the
accuracy or reliability of attribute data within the limits
described by feature completeness. If attribute accuracy
information is not available in the above form, a description of
known attribute accuracy characteristics may be substituted.
Attribute completeness. Attribute completeness refers to the
percentage of feature attribute fields not populated by null or
default values.
Attribute table. A collection of identically formatted
(defined) attribute rows. An attribute table inherits the
properties of a VPF table, but also may have value description
Attribute value. The specific value of an attribute; for
example, green for building color, 48 feet for road width, level 2
for the accuracy of a database.
Byte order. A hardware implementation of an encoding scheme.
It determines the order in which bytes are stored in a long word.
Two commonly used orders are little-endian, or least significant
first (i.e., 1234); and big-endian, or most significant first
(i.e., 4321).
Cartographic primitive.
The text primitive.
Code table. A set of character specifications. A code table
defines the alphanumeric and special characters that are used in a
computer system to model written languages.
Column. The set of all values of a particular attribute
within a table.
Column type. The relational model uses column types to
implement the data type of an attribute. For instance, the column
ELEVATION could have an integer column type.
Complex feature. A feature that includes simple or other
complex features. For instance, a watershed complex feature may
include river (line), lake (area), and well (point) simple
Complex feature class. A feature class that includes two or
more other feature classes (simple or complex).
Complex feature table.
An implementation of a complex
feature class in VPF.
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