| ![]() MIL-D-89009
Compound key. A group of columns used together to create a
key in a relational table.
Connected node. One of the two node primitive types used to
represent linked features that are zero dimensional at a
particular scale. Connected nodes are always found at the ends of
edges and are topologically linked to the edges. Connected nodes
are used in two ways: (1) to define edges topologically (always)
and (2) to represent point features that are found at a juncture
of linear features, such as overpasses, locks in a canal, or
underground utility access points. Under the first usage, the
connected nodes are referred to as start and end nodes. Under the
second usage, attributes will be associated with the point
features related to the connected nodes. If many edges intersect
a node, only one edge will be maintained per node in the connected
node table; other edges are linked by using winged-edge topology.
Containing face. A face that contains one or more entity
nodes. Used to establish the relationship from a node to its
face, if level 3 topology is present.
Coordinate. A specified position in Cartesian space. The
value takes the form of a short or long floating point value. Z
values (if any) are ignored during the enforcement and use of
planar graphs.
Coordinate array.
A fixed-length list of coordinate tuples.
Coordinate pair. A specified position in a two-dimensional
grid, where the first position relates to the X axis and the
second position relates to the Y axis.
Coordinate string.
A variable-length list of coordinate
Coordinate triplet. A specified position in a three-
dimensional grid, where the first position relates to the X axis,
the second position relates to the Y axis, and the third position
relates to the Z axis.
Coordinate tuple.
A coordinate pair or triplet.
Coverage. A set of feature classes that has a specified
spatial extent and in which the primitives interconnect as
described by the coverage's topology.
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