| ![]() MIL-D-89009
Pointer. A field within a record or within an index that
contains the address of a record.
Thematically homogenous areas composed of one or
more faces.
Positional accuracy. Positional accuracy refers to the root
mean square error (RMSE) of the coordinates relative to the
position of the real world entity being modeled. Positional
accuracy shall be specified without relation to scale and shall
contain all errors introduced by source documents, data capture,
and data processing.
Primary key.
A key whose value uniquely identifies a row.
Primitive The smallest component of VPF, of which all
features are composed. There are three geometric primitives
(nodes, edges, faces) and one cartographic primitive (text).
Primitive table. A primitive table inherits the properties
of a VPF table, but may also have an associated minimum bounding
rectangle table and/or a spatial index file.
Product specification. A document that defines the precise
content and format of a specific product. It contains technical
requirements and database design decisions such as coding, tiling,
special relationships between entities, and so forth. In the
context of the VPF, each separate product or application is
defined by a product specification and implemented by using VPF
Relational join. An operation that combines two tables, both
of which contain a column or a set of columns possessing domains
common to both tables.
Right edge. The right edge is the first neighbor of the
current edge as one moves counterclockwise around the end node of
the current edge.
Right face. The face to the right of an edge in a traverse
from the start node to the end node.
Ring. A connected set of edges that composes a closed face
border. Any single ring is only referenced to and by a single
face. If the same set of edges is shared by two different faces,
two rings that correspond to the two faces are created from the
single edge set. Rings only occur at level 3 topology (when faces
are also present).
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