| MIL-E-15809D(NAVY)
Preservation and Packing of Hand Tools; Tools and Tool Accessories for
Power Driven, Metal and Woodworking Machinery
Fiberboard Corrugated and Solid Sheet Stock
(Container Grade) and Cut Shapes
(Unleks otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications are available from the
Standardization Documents Order Desk Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
19111 -5094.)
2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and
the references cited herein (except for related associated detail specifications, specification sheets
or MS standards) the text of this document takes precedence Nothing in this docurment however,
supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 Material.
3.1.1 Bodies and collars. Bodies, collars, collar sleeve bearings, and collar sleeves shall be
made of heat-treated alloy steel.
3.12 Mandrels and rolls. Mandrels and rolls shall be made of tool steel, tempered and
hardened to withstand the shocks and wear of regular usage.
3.13 Recovered materials. Unless otherwise specified herein, all material and articles
incorporated in the products covered by this specification shall be new and may be fabricated using
materials produced from removered materials to the maximum extent practicable without
jeopardizing the intended use. The term "recovered materials" means materials which have been
collected or recovered from solid waste and reprocessed to become a source of raw materials, as
opposed to virgin raw materials. None of the above shall be interpreted to mean that the use of
used or rebuilt products is allowed under this specification unless otherwise specifically specified.
3.2 Construction. Expanders shall consist of a mandrel, body, collar, collar sleeve, collar
sleeve bearing, and rolls. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), expanders shall be righthand feed
and have three rolls.
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