| ![]() MIL-E-19141D
4.1.1 Inspection system. The contractor shall provide and maintain an
inspection system acceptable to the Government for supplies and services
covered by this specification. The inspection system shall be as specified
in the contract or order (see 6.2.1).
Quality conformance inspection.
4.2.1 General. Electrodes shall be inspected in accordance with
through with lot selected in accordance with 4.2.2. Dry batch. A dry batch of covering mixture is the quantity of
dry covering ingredients mixed at one time in one mixing vessel. A dry batch
may be used singly or may be subsequently sub-divided into quantities to which
the liquid binders may be added to produce a number of wet mixes (see Dry blend. A dry blend is one or more dry batches mixed in a
mixing vessel and combined proportionately to produce a uniformity of mixed
ingredients equal to that obtained by mixing the same total amount of dry
ingredients at one time in one mixing vessel. Wet mix. A wet mix is the combination of a dry batch (see
or dry blend (see and liquid binder ingredients at one time in one
mixing vessel. Heat of core wire. A heat of core wire is that material obtained
from ingots or billets poured from one melt. Controlled core wire chemical composition. Where manufacturing
processes are such that core wire is identified by controlled chemical composi-
tion for each MIL-type, a lot of electrodes shall be the quantity produced from
one or more chemically tested mill coils of rod from one or more heats or metal
conforming to the approved chemistry control limits for that type electrode.
The chemical composition control limits for mill coils and allowable variation
from the standard shall be disclosed by the manufacturer to NAVSEA for evalua-
tion. The following additional conditions shall apply:
(a) Each continuously rolled mill-coiled rod furnished by mills
prohibiting spliced-coil practice, shall be chemically analyzed
before processing. Mill-coiled rod furnished by mills permit-
ting spliced-coil practice shall have not more than one splice
per coil, and both ends of every coil received from such mills
shall be chemically analyzed before processing.
(b) The allowable variation (disclosed) from the standard (not
disclosed) shall be made available to the Government represen-
tative upon request.
(c) Mill coils of rod conforming to established core wire chemistry
control for a specific MIL-type electrode shall be appropri-
ately identified and segregated to avoid mixups.
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