| ![]() MIL-E-19141D Controlled covering mixture chemical composition. Where manu-
facturing processes are such that covering mixture is identified by controlled
chemical composition for each MIL-type, a lot of electrodes shall be the quantity
produced from one or more chemically tested wet mixes conforming to the percent
allowable variation from standard for each chemical element for that type
electrode. The chemical composition control limits for covering mixture and
allowable variation from the standard shall be disclosed by the manufacturer to
NAVSEA for evaluation. The following additional conditions shall apply:
(a) Each wet mix shall be chemically analyzed before processing.
(b) The allowable variation (disclosed) from the standard (not
disclosed) shall be made available to the Government repre-
sentative upon request.
(c) Wet mixes conforming to established covering mixture chemistry
control for a specific MIL-type electrode shall be appropriately
identified and segregated to avoid mixups.
4.2.2 Lot. Lot definition. A lot of electrodes is the quantity of any one
size and type produced from one or more wet mixes of covering mixture, as
specified in or 4.2.1,6 in conjunction with core wire, and as specified
in or during a continuous period of 24 hours or less. Lot identification. Each continuous production period of 24 hours
or less shall be identified by the manufacturer's control number or other
marking which shall appear on each unit and shipping container. The control
number or symbol shall be in a position which permits ready location by the
consignee. If the control number or symbol must be decoded for identification,
the manufacturer shall furnish the consignee the key or instructions necessary
to interpret the code system used.
4.2.3 Sampling and inspection of containers. Unit packages, sealed cans
and shipping containers shall be sampled and inspected in accordance with
4.2.4 Sampling for examination and test of electrodes. Sample electrodes
shall be selected either from filled unit packages or from the production line
after the baking operation. The unit packages required for this examination
may be selected from the sample of packages specified in 4.2.3. If sample
electrodes are selected from filled unit packages, the total sample shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-105 for inspection level S-4, with an acceptable quality
level (AQL) of 4.0 percent for electrode sizes 1/8 inch and larger and an AQL
of 6.5 percent for electrode sizes 3/32 inch and smaller for single sampling.
Lot size shall be expressed in pounds. Sample size shall be the number of
electrodes to be examined. A minimum number of unit packages shall be selected
to permit sampling of ten electrodes maximum from each 50-pound package or from
each 10-pound package. If the sample electrodes are selected from the produc-
tion line, the total sample shall be equivalent to the above and the electrodes
shall be selected through the production period so that all parts of the lot
are represented. The electrodes selected shall be identified as to type, wet
batch, lot, size and other available information such as contract or order
number being filled.
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