| ![]() MIL-E-22200G
3.6.2 Core wire alloy identify.
Each end of rod or wire to be spliced
during processing shall be tested for alloy identity just prior to splicing at
the process station (see 4.6.10), except when splicing is done to repair a wire
break without removing the wire from the process line. Both ends of each coil drawn to finish size shall be tested for
alloy identity (see 4.6.10) prior to cutting into electrode core wire lengths. Single
coil. For continuous process operations where rod coil is
drawn to finish size,
straightened and cut to length without removal from the
machine, both ends of
each rod coil shall be alloy identity tested immediately
prior to the start of
the continuous processing operation. Multiple coil. When rod coils are to be spliced during
continuous processing operations, each end of each rod coil to be spliced shall
be alloy identity tested at the process station just prior to splicing. In
addition, the leading end of the first coil and the tail end of the last coil for
each continuous process run shall be alloy identity tested. When alloy identity
testing is accomplished in accordance with, these requirements are
satisfied as well.
3.7 Groove welds.
Groove welds shall conform to the requirements specified
in 3.7.1 and 3.7.2.
3.7.1 Soundness.
Electrodes shall deposit groove welds conforming to class
1 criteria of NAVSEA 0900-LP-O03-9000.
3.7.2 Mechanical Properties.
Mechanical properties shall be as specified
(see 3.1).
3.8 Chemical composition of deposited weld metal.
Chemical composition
shall be as specified (see 3.1).
3.9 Grinding. Grinding (or burring) during welding of a test plate shall
be limited to grinding of weld starts and grinding to correct operator error.
Grinding of weld starts shall be limited to the immediate start area (first 1/2
inch length of weld bead deposit maximum) only and this shall be done only when
considered necessary by the welder. Grinding to correct operator error shall be
limited to a maximum of 1 inch of weld bead length for a test plate. The amount
of grinding employed (weld start and operator error) for each test plate shall be
recorded by the welder on the test plate work sheet record. The record shall
indicate the total number of weld starts that were ground and the length and
location by weld layer of any grinding employed to correct operator error
3.10 Rounding-off procedure. For purposes of determining conformance with
this specification, an observed or calculated value shall be rounded off to the
nearest 1000 pounds per square inch for tensile and yield strength and to the
"nearest unit" in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the
limiting value for other values in accordance with the rounding-off method
specified in ASTM E 29.
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