| ![]() MIL-E-22200G
wire shall not be undercut. The electrode shall be consumed to the root of the
groove in the covering when welding shall be stopped without fusing coating
beyond the groove. The half-length electrode shall be removed immediately from
the electrode holder and placed upon a flat steel plate to cool until it can be
held comfortably in the bare hand. After cooling, the electrode shall be
inserted in the electrode holder and welding resumed. After the restart, the
half-length electrode shall be consumed for 1 inch of its length. Welding shall
then be stopped and the arc end of the electrode examined for conformance to the
requirements of 3.5.5. Flaking and cracking during welding. Three electrodes shall be
tested. The electrode shall be consumed to a stub not over 2 inches in length.
If flaking or cracking is observed during welding, the welding shall be stopped
immediately and the arc end of the electrode examined for conformance to the
requirements of 3.5.5. If no flaking or cracking is observed during welding, the
2-inch stub length of electrode, which is normally discarded, shall not be
4.6.5 Radiograpic examination of groove welds. Radiographic examination
shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-271 for compliance with 3.7.1 on
groove welds when required by the detail specification.
4.6.6 Hardness. When required by the applicable detail specification, but
not otherwise specified, the hardness of the weld metal shall be measured by the
Brinell method specified in ASTM E 10. The hardness shall be measured at
approximately the center of the cross-sectional area of groove welds. Rockwell
hardness numbers converted to Brinell hardness numbers shall not be used for
decisive tests. Deposits of surfacing electrodes shall be measured in accordance
with the applicable detail specification.
4.6.7 Chemical analysis.
Chemical analyses of weld metal shall conform to
the following procedures:
Samples for chemical analysis of the weld metal shall be obtained
for each size of electrode, using the types of current shown for
that classification and size and the base metal specified (see
Samples for chemical analysis may be obtained from the weld pad
specified in (c) below, or any other weld deposit provided it
produces results equivalent to those obtained from the weld pad.
In case of dispute, samples shall be taken from the weld pad.
The weld pad shall be deposited in layers in the flat position.
The width of each pass in each layer shall be 1-1/2 to 2-1/2
times the diameter of the core wire. After depositing each
layer, the pad shall be immersed in water (temperature
unimportant) for 15 to 45 seconds and then dried before welding
is resumed. The surface of each layer shall be free of all
foreign matter. The completed weld pad and the location from
which the sample for analysis is taken shall conform to the
requirements in table I.
Chemical analysis may be made by any suitable method agreed upon
by the supplier and purchaser. In case of dispute, the procedure
in ASTM E 350 shall be the referee method.
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