| ![]() MIL-E-23765B(SH)
(a) Chemical composition control limits in wire of each MIL-type
(b) Method of determining wire chemistry.
(c) Production line methods used to produce electrodes from chemic-
ally controlled core wire. For alloyed cored electrode, where lot identification is by a dry
batch or dry blend of filler material and heat of metal, the following informa-
tion shall apply:
(a) Type and size range (each size manufactured shall be specified)
for which qualification is desired (see 1.2.2).
(b) Composition of tube, or strip, and flux ingredients in terms of
nominal percentages for each constituent.
(c) Composition of deposited weld metal.
(d) Recommended amperage for each weld test and size of electrode to
be qualification tested.
(e) Brand name. For alloyed cored electrode, where lot identification is by
chemically controlled dry batches of filler material and chemically controlled
mill coils, the following information shall apply:
(a) The type and size range (each size manufactured shall be speci-
fied) for which qualification is desired.
(b) Chemical composition control limits for mill coil.
(c) Method of determining chemical composition of the mill coil.
(d) production line quality control methods used in producing elec-
trodes from chemically controlled mill coil.
(e) Percent allowable variation (disclosed) from standard (not
disclosed) for each formulated chemical element in the mix of "
chemically controlled filler material for each MIL-type electrode.
(f) Method of determining chemical composition of the mix chemically
controlled filler material.
(g) production line quality control methods used in producing elec-
trodes from chemically controlled flux material.
(h) Recommended amperage for each weld test, and size of electrode
to be qualification tested.
(1) Brand name. For SAW granular neutral flux, where lot identification is by the
manufacturer control number, the following information shall apply:
The type of flux for which qualification is desired.
Percentage allowable variation (disclosed) from standard (not .
disclosed) for each formulated chemical element in the chemi-
cally controlled flux for each MIL-type.
Method of determining chemical composition of the chemically
controlled flux.
Production line quality control methods used in producing the
chemically controlled flux.
Brand name.
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