| ![]() MIL-E-23765B(SH)
4.3.2 Samples for qualification tests. Electrode samples. Unless otherwise specified in the detail
specification, the electrode selected for testing shall be one spool of form
3b, or one coil of form 3d, 1/16- or 1/8-inch diameter size of each MIL-type for
which the manufacturer desires CO qualify, provided the form and size is repre-
sentative of the cleaning method used for all forms and sizes of that alloy.
The 1/16-inch size shall be used for the GMA welding process and the 1/8-inch
size shall be used for the SAW welding process. If more than one cleaning
method is used for various other diameter forms and sizes of any electrode
alloy, qualification applications shall give complete details. The manufacturer
shall furnish one spool of form 3b or one coil of form 3d electrode of the MIL-
type to be qualified. When an electrode is to be qualification tested for the
SAW process, the manufacturer shall furnish a sample of the flux. The samples
shall be selected in the presence of the Government representative. Bare solid electrode sample. Approval obtained for the 1/16-
inch size electrode qualifies all sizes smaller than 3/32 inch of the same MIL-
type. Approval obtained for the 1/8-inch size electrode qualifies all sizes
3/32 inch and larger for the same MIL-type. Alloyed cored electrode sample. Alloyed cored electrodes shall
be used with the SAW process. Approval obtained for the 1/8-inch size electrode
qualifies all sizes 3/32 inch and larger for the same MIL-type that are made to
the same formulation. SAW flux sample. Unless otherwise specified in the detail speci-
fication, the flux selected for testing shall be one 100-pound of flux. When
schedule A and schedule B tests are to be conducted, two 100-pound bags of flux
shall be selected at the same time, one bag shall be used for schedule A tests
and the other bag shall be used for schedule B tests. The bag or bags of flux
shall remain unopened until the start of welding.
4.4 First article inspection. First article inspection shall consist of
the examinations and tests in accordance with MIL-E-23765/3.
4.4.1 First article inspection report. A first article inspection report
shall be prepared in accordance with the data ordering document (see 6.2.2).
4.4.2 Sample for first article inspection. The electrode selected for
testing shall be one spool of form 3b, or one coil of form 3d, 1/16-inch dia-
meter size of each MIL-type for which the manufacturer desires to qualify,
provided this form and size is representative of the cleaning method used for
all forms and sizes of that alloy. If more than one cleaning method is used
for various other diameter forms and sizes of any electrode alloy, first arti-
cle applications shall give complete details. The manufacturer shall furnish
one spool of form 3b or one coil of form 3d electrode of the MIL-type to be
inspected. When an electrode is to be first article tested for the SAW process,
the manufacturer shall furnish a sample of the flux. The samples shall be
selected In the presence of the Government representative.
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