| ![]() MIL-E-24763A(SH)
3.2. Material safety data sheet (MSDS). The contracting activity shall be provided a material safety data
sheet at the same time of contract award. The MSDS shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of FED-
STD-313. The MSDS shall be included with each shipment of the material covered by this specification (see 6.6).
3.3. Directions for use. The contractor shall provide written directions on each container for the surface
preparation, mixing, and applying of the enamel supplied and this direction shall include all information necessary
to comply with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and FED- STD-313. In addition, the contractor shall
provide an ASTM F718 data sheet which shall separately detail requirement s for small unit (metric and English
equivalents of pint, quart, and gallon) and large unit (5-gallon) containers.
3.4. Hazardous material. Manufacturers shall prepare container hazardous chemical warning labels for the
paint in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR Parts 1910.1200, 1915.99, 1917.28, 1918.90 and 1926.59
OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, Final Rule (see 5.1). In choosing the specific ingredients to manufacture
the paint, the manufacturer shall certify in writing to the Naval Sea Systems Command (SEA 03Q2) that the paint
offered for delivery does not contain he following materials in excess of 0.05% by weight of either the totals
formulated paint or in the dry film formed by the paint: Benzene Toluene, chlorinated solvents, esters or ethers
derived from methylene glycol, hydrolyzable chlorine derivatives, coat tar and coal tar derivatives. (see 6.3).
3.4.1. Toxicity of product/formulation. The materials shall have no adverse effect on the health of
personnel when used for its intended purpose. When evaluated in accordance with 4.7, the ingredients used in the
formulation of this product, unless specific maximums levels are cited elsewhere in this specification, shall have no
known or suspect carcinogenic materials as indicated in 3.4. This specification places severe restrictions on the
presence of the following substances in this product.
Substances which are identified as specific "target compounds". Target compounds in this
Specification are as follows: Benzene, Toluene, chlorinated solvents, esters or ethers derived from
ethylene glycol, hydrolysable chlorine derivatives, coal tar and coal tar derivatives.
Substances which are regulated as carcinogens by OSHA.
Substances which are considered to be known , probable or possible human carcinogens by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC) (i.e. Group 1, 2A and 2B).
Substances which are known or are reasonably anticipated to be carcinogenic, as found in the National
Toxicology Programs latest annual report.
Substances identified as a Navy Occupational Reproductive Chemical Stressor, Appendix 28-A. (see
For substances meting one or more of the previous criteria (a) through (e), the following limitations
(1) These substances shall not be intentionally added to any formulation intended to comply
with this specification.
(2) Where the substance may find its way into a formulation, as a result of being present as a
"trace" or "impurity" in another ingredient, concentration shall be maintained [as low as
(3) Under no circumstances shall the substance in the product offered for delivery (either in
the total formulated product or in the dry film formed by the product) exceed limits (as
delineated in this specification).
Substances that have been identified by Federal EPA or State regulatory agencies as hazardous air
pollutants (HAPs).
Questions pertinent to this effect shall be referred to the contracting activity to the appropriate departmental medical
service who will act as advisor to the contracting activity.
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