| ![]() MIL-E-48441A(MU)
4,6.6.1 Image intensifier tube.- Apply 24 Vdc 6 Vdc to contact
11733497 (reference Drawing F11733401) and cycle the on-off switch from
off to on by means of the shutter lever. After allowing a 15 second
tube stabilization period, view through the elbow assembly eyepiece and
observe the image tube screen, The screen surface of the tube shall be
illuminated. Upon satisfactory completion of this portion of the test,
remove the 24 VDC 6 VDC from connector 11733497 and apply 3 VDC to
connector 11733493 (reference Drawing 11733401.). Cycle the on-off
switch from off to on. After allowing a 15 second tube stabilization
period, view through the elbow assembly eyepiece. The screen surface of
the tube shall be illuminated to determine overall compliance with Reticle projector lamp.- Perform this test concurrent
with the test in With the voltage specified in applied
to contact 11733497 (reference Drawing F11733401) and the image intensifier
tube energized, rotate the reticle brightness control Knob MS 91528-0E113
to the off position. Then while viewing through the elbow assembly
eyepiece, rotate the control knob clockwise throughout its range of
movement. During this clockwise rotation of the control knob, the
reticle brightness shall be adjustable from off to full bright and the
reticle markings shall appear clearly defined when observed through the
elbow assembly eyepiece to determine compliance with Reticle brightness.- Perform this test concurrent with
the test in With each voltage specified in applied to
Contact 11733497 (Reference Drawing F11733401) and the image intensifier
tube energized, rotate the reticle brightness control knob MS 91528-OE1B
to be off position. Then while viewing through the elbow assembly
eyepiece, rotate the control knob clockwise throughout its range of
movement. During this clockwise rotation of the control knob, the
reticle brightness shall be adjustable from off to full bright and the
reticle markings shall appear clearly defined at each voltage setting
when observed through the elbow assembly eyepiece to determine compliance
with On-off switch. - This test may be performed at the same
time the test of is performed. With the voltage specified in applied to Contact 11733497. view through the elbow assembly
eyepiece and observe the illuminated screen surface of the tube. Then
while the on-off switch is in the on position, remove the voltage from
the contact and reapply. During the above observation, the screen
surface of the tube shall shut off when voltage is removed and shall not
illuminate by reapplication of the voltage unless the on-off switch is
recycled from off to on to be in conformance with Image steadiness. - This test and the following tests of
4.6,6.6 and shall be performed with the reticle projector lamp
off. Holder "T" containing Telescope "J" with Special Reticle "L" shall
be inserted in the slot against the pins provided in the main plate at
the eyepiece area of the elbow assembly. With the aid of the telescope,
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