| ![]() MIL-E-48441A(MU)
view through the eyepiece of the elbow assembly and observe the telescopes
reticle pattern and the target image for a time period of not less than
one minute. During this one minute time period there shall be no visible
flicker, no movement-of the image nor audible sparking as specified in Image movement shall be determined bY means of the target.
image with respect to the telescope reticle pattern. Sparking shall be
determined by means of an audio examination. Image tilt. - Perform this test concurrent with the test.
in With aid of the telescope, view through the eyepiece of the
elbow assembly and establish one extremity of the telescope vertical
reticle line coincident, to the vertical target image line. The opposite
extremity of the targets vertical line shall be within the gate provided
on the telescope reticle to be in compliance with Image centering. - Perform this test concurrent with the
test in With the aid of the telescope, view through the eye-
piece of the elbow assembly and observe the projected target image. The .
line of sight through the intersecting point of the vertical and horizon-
tal target line image must be within, or in coincidence with the circle
on the telescope reticle to appear centered in the eyepiece field of
view within the value specified in 3.6.8. Upon completion of this test
energize the reticle projector lamp. Objective focusing range.- This portion of the test shall
be performed with the 10" collimator adjusted for 50 meters. With the
diopter ring adjusted for best focus of the phosphor grain on the screen
of the image tube, rotate focusing ring of the elbow assembly for best
focus of target image to determine cornpli.ante with 3.6.9. Upon satis-
factory completion of this portion of the test, the 10" collimator shall
be readjusted for infinity to determine compliance-with the 3000 meters
specified in 3.6.9. With the diopter ring adjusted for best focus of
the phosphor grain on the screen of the image tube, again rotate the
focusing ring of the elbow assembly for best focus of the target image
to determine overall compliance with 3.6.9. Collimation, pre-vibration/Pre-Shock setting. - This test
shall be conducted in accordance with to determine compliance
with Reticle movement.
4.6,6.10.1 Reticle movement, elevation.- Establish coincidence of
the elbow assembly reticle boresight cross and the projected target
image crosslines by means of the boresight knobs (do not slip knob
scales). While observing the boresight cross (intersecting point),
rotate the elevation knob in the clockwise direction. The boresight
cross shall move as specified in as observed and measured on
the target. Reestablish coincidence of the reticle boresight cross and
the projected target image crosslines by means of the boresight knobs.
While observing target image crosslines by means of the boresight knobs.
While observing the boresight cross, rotate the elevation knob in the
counterclockwise direction. The boresight cross shall move as specified
in as observed and measured on the target.
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