| ![]() MIL-E-48441A(MU),2 Reticle movement, deflection.- Perform this test
utilizing the procedure in except, the deflection knob shall
be rotated in the clockwise and counterclockwise direction. Boresight
cross (intersecting point) movements shall meet the requirements specified
in as observed and measured on the targets Knob rotation. - Perform this test in conjunction with
the tests in 4, and During rotation of each boresight
knob (elevation and deflection), the boresight cross (intersecting
point) shall be observed and show no evidence of irregularities (jump;
reeep or hangup) in direction of travel until limited by engagement of
each knob stop (clockwise and counterclockwise to be in compliance with While the boresight knobs are at each stop position, back off
the knobs for at least l/4-rotation and then again return the knobs to
the stop. Perform this a minimum of 3 times. During these rotations,
the knobs shall show no evidence of irregularity of movement (sponginess
or friction) while approaching or reaching the stop. Contact with the
stop shall be solid, such that a distinct metallic click can be heard to
verify that reticle travel is being limited only by means of the knob
stops and not by means of contact with adjacent components to determine
overall compliance with Line of sight variation.- Perform this
test in a manner
similar to the test in During rotation of
the deflection
knob, any variation in elevation in the line of sight,
through the bore-
sight cross (intersecting point), shall not exceed the
values specified
in Reticle shift. - With backlash removed for direction of
travel, establish coincidence of the elbow assembly reticle boresight
cross as in While observing the intersecting point of the
elbow assembly reticle boresight mark, disengage the elevation boresight
knob from the lock position and proceed to rotate the knob (insure back-
lash is not introduced) for at least 1/4 turn, then reverse rotation of
the knob (backlash included) for at least 1/4 turn. During the disengage-
ment or reversal of the boresight knob, the line of sight through the
elbow assembly reticle boresight mark shall not shift (jump) in a direc-
tion perpendicular to the intended motion more than the tolerance specified
in In addition to checking shift at this setting, repeat the
above at the midpoint and maximum point of travel in each direction for
a total 5 checks overall. These 5 checks shall also be conducted with
the deflection knob in compliance with Boresight backlash. - While viewing through the elbow
assembly eyepiece, disengage and rotate the boresight knobs (insure
backlash is removed for direction of travel) until a line of sight,
through the intersection of the elbow assembly reticle boresight mark is
positioned coincident with the intersecting point of the target image
crosslines. With the boresight knobs in the lock position, record the
boresight knob scale readings and the position of the line of sight.
Disengage the boresight knobs and continue rotation approximately 1/2 of
a revolution then return and engage the knobs to their original lock
position as recored above. View through the eyepiece and record the
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