| ![]() MIL-E-7016F
- Electric Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and
Utilization of
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by
contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained
from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)
Definitions. For definitions and sample calculations applicable
to this specification, see section 6.
Report. The electric load requirements and power source capa-
city shall be determined for each electric system under all operating conditions of
the aircraft, and an Electric Load and Power Source Capacity Report shall be pre-
pared in accordance with the methods outlined herein. Analyses shall be made for
special-purpose electric systems such as independent engine ignition and control
generator systems as well as for general-purpose electric systems.
Form. The report shall be printed entirely on 8-1/2 x 11-inch
sheets or entirely on 8 x 10-1/2-inch sheets. All letters and numbers shall be at
least 0.075 inch tall. All marking on each page shall be included in a 7-1/2 x 10-
inch area. The report may be printed on one or both sides of each sheet. The
report shall be printed with all marking on all pages in the normal attitude for read-
ing with the long side of each sheet vertical, or with all marking on all pages in the
normal attitude for reading with the long side of each sheet horizontal (not like this
specification). The report shall be assembled, and shall be bound on the side which
is on the left with the assembled report closed and in the normal attitude for reading
with the front cover on top, and all pages shall be in the normal attitude for reading
when the report is opened to them with the bound edge in this orientation.
Arrangement. The charts shall be presented on a number of
sheets as shown in the sample analyses. These sheets shall be arranged to facilitate
cross-referencing from the load equipment chart to the load analysis charts.
Sample analyses. The sample analyses (Figures 1 through 19)
illustrate a typical method for presenting data. The information entered consists of
excerpts from a typical analysis and is not a complete study of the electric power
configuration of any particular aircraft.
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