| ![]() MIL-E-7016F
Numbering of pages. The pages of each complete report shall
be numbered consecutively and each shall contain a revision number in the form of
a dash number after the page number to indicate the applicability to a particular
revision of the report.
The columns and entries of each chart
Columns and entries.
shall conform to the following:
Alphabetical column headings. For referencing, the column
headings of the charts are designated alphabetically, and this designation is continued
in sequence from sheet to sheet of each complete analysis.
columns without alphabetical designations. Columns shall be
provided where indicated in the sample charts for the following types of entries:
Consecutive numbers for each item of
Item numbers:
equipment which shall appear on both sides
of the chart when space permits.
For entry of explanations, data, calcula-
tions, or other miscellaneous information.
Multi-system analyses. When space permits, load analyses for
two or more individual systems may be reported on the same group of charts, pro-
vided that the individual system analyses are clearly separated and identified.
Order of charts. Charts shall be arranged in the order given in
the outline of 3.5 for each source. Where several sheets are required for a given
charts all sheets for each chart shall be grouped together in consecutive order.
Chart entries.
Multiple entries. When multiple entries are recorded in the
electric power system analysis, the purpose and applicability of each entry shall be
clearly established. In general, multiple entries are required under the following
Operation at various power levels: When an equipment
operates at two or more distinct power levels, the maxi-
mum power requirements shall be entered first, followed
by entries covering the lesser power requirements.
Special power requirements: When special power require-
ments cannot be supplied to equipment terminals by the
sources in the aircraft, these special requirements shall be
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