| ![]() MIL-E-70610(AR)
5. 2.1 Level C.
Eight (8) Drums of Ei mite shall be packed in a
Type I, Class I, Grade C, Spec. MI L-B-2427 wood box.
dimensions of wood box to be 34-1/2 X 17-1/4 X 10-1/8.
(Note 3) An
egg-crate separator manufactured of "B" flute corrugated fiberboard,
Domestic class, SW variety, Spec PPP-F-320 shall be used to separate
the Drums. The separator in a 4 X 2 pattern shall be a snug fit in
the box length and width and be 10 inches high (Note 4). Commercial
chipboard fillers 32 X 16 X 1/16 shall be added on top of contents
for tight packing. Secure cover of box with 3 straps in accordance
with Spec MIL-B-2427.
5.3 Marking.
5.3.1 Drum. Drum shall be marked with tag or with yellow
stencil ink. Information to be included are nomenclature, "5 pounds
Eimite" and also lot number (if any) and date packed.
Wood box.
Box to be marked in accordance with Drawing
Nomenclature to be:
"40 pounds Eimite". DOT (Ref
Interstate Commerce Commission Code of Federal Regulations) 49
CFR-71-78 to be:
"High Explosives - Dangerous".
Note 1.
8 Mils thick conductive polyolefin, black having
surface resistivity not greater than IOJ ohms per centimeter.
Determined in accordance-with FTD-STD-406, methods 4041 and 4052.
Electrostatic bleedoff shall comply with requirements of
SPEC-XAS-1152 Para. 4.7.10 and Table I.
Custom Materials Inc.
Chelmsford, MA
Crystal - X Corp.
Darby, PA
Height (outside of Type I Drum - 9-1/2)
Note 2.
Height (outside of Type II Drum - 10)
Note 3.
Inside height of box to be 9-5/6 if Type I Drum is used.
Note 4.
Separator to be 9-1/2 inches high if Type I Drum is
5.4 Shipp ing. When drums of Eimite from more than one lot are
shipped at one time, each lot shall be kept separate, and the
division between lots clearly indicated to prevent mixing of the
lots in transit.
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