| ![]() MIL-F-14252 (AR )
Fire control equipment shall have 3
3.2.1 Life expectancy. - . .
life lengthas specifi ed in the detail specification.
3. 2.2 Continuous operation. - Fire-control equipment shall be
capable Of operating th e specified number of hours per day with-
out breakdown or Impairment of performance.
3.2.3 Altitude. - Unless otherwise specified, fire-control
equipment shall operate satisfactorily from sea level to 6000
feet above sea level and shall not be damaged If transported
by air at an altitude of 50,000 feet above sea level. The above
specified altitudes shall be assumed to be under the most ad-
verse barometric pressures which may be encountered at the
particular altitudes (see 4. 3.5)
3.2.4 Temperature range. - Fire-control. equipment shall operate
satisfactoril y over an ambient temperature range of minus 40 C
(-4OF) (minimum exposure of 3 days without benefit of solar
radiation) to plus 52QC (\1250F) (minimum exposure of 4 hours
with full impact of solar radiation, 360 Btu,/sq-ft/hr) and shall
not be damaged by storage at temperatures between minus 620C
( -8O F (minimum exposure of 3 days without benefit of solar rad-
iat ion and plus 77 C (/160F) (minimum exPosure of `ems with
full impact of solar radiation, 36o Btu[sq-ft@) (see 4.3.1,
4.3.2, and 4.3.3).
Unless otherwise specified, fire-con-
3.2.5 Relative
trol equipment shall operate satisfactorily in relative humidi-
ties up to 100 percent.
- Unless otherwise specified, fire-control equipment
3.2.6 Wind.
shall function properly In winds as high as 60 miles per hour.
3.2.7 Dust, sand, rain and snow.- The equipment shall be ade-
quately protected against damage by blowing dust, sand, rain or
drifting snow as would normally be encountered during service
life (see 4. 3.8 and 4.3.9).
3.2.8 Salt laden air.- The equipment shall not be damaged or
Its performance impaired by salt-laden air as encountered in
coastal service.
3.2.9 Storage life. - The equipment shall not be damaged or Its
performanc e impaired by storage over a period as specified In the
detail specification.
3.2.10 Shock.
- Unless otherwise specified, a manner of construc-
tion shall employed which will prevent damage or subsequent
failure to provide the performance specified in the detail speci-
fication, when the equipment components are subject to impact
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