| ![]() shocks of specified duration and acceleration (see 4.3.10) in
the following directions:
Horizontally, parallel to the major horizontal
axis (both directions).
b. Horizontally, perpendicular to the major hori-
zontal axis (both directions).
c. Vertically (both directions) .
3.2.11 Vibration. - Except for Internal resonances of specified
parts and sub-assernblies, no components of equipment shall have
mechanical resonant frequencies less than the specified fre-
quency when shock mounts (if any) are blocked or removed (see
accounts*- Where necessary, each unit of equip- Shock
ment shall be provided with shock mounts which will limit Its
resonant vibration within the specified frequency range along
the vertical and horizontal axes. Provision shall be made for
attenuation of impact shock along the critical axis so that no
collision of any shock-mounted part, sub-assembly, or component
during the vibration test can result.
3 . 2 . 1 1 . 1 Types of shock mounts. - The shock mounts may be of
the resilient material, metall ic type or may employ viscuous
damping. The design of shock mounts shall be such-that failure
of the resilient material will not set the supported part free.
Installation of shock mounts.- Unless otherwise speci-
fied, all shock mounts shall be readi ly replaceable without
Major disassembly of the equipment.
All electrical connections
Between a resiliently supported shock mount and its foundation
shall be as flexible as practicable. Sufficient clearance shall
be provided between parts to preclude the possibility of a cush
ioned part striking any other part.
E l e c t r o n i c by-pass of shock mounts.-
All shock
mounts shall be electrically b Y - P a S S b y a flexible
strap of solid copper at. least one inch wide by 1/16 inch thick,
except In such cases **bet'e a strap of this size would impair
the action of the shock mount. Deviations from this require-
ment shall, In all cases, be under the control of the contract-
ing officer.
frozen terrain and shall be capable of being leveled as speci-
fied in the detail specification.
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