| ![]() MIL-F- 14252( AR)
Excess metal shall be removed
before acceptance of the Item.
from counter-sunk-head rivets.
is to be accomplish d
3 . 6 . 2 0 .2.1 Ferrous rivets - When riveti
by the pressure method, ferr ous rivets 3/ -inch diameter and
small mnay be driven cold. Ferrous rivet s larger than 3/8-inc h
diamet er shall be driven "hot unless specia 1 authorization IS
grante d by the contracting o fficer to do o therwlse.
Non-ferrous rivets.- Non-ferrous rivets shall be
driven cold. Age-hardened aluminum-alloy rivets shall be driven
by heavy blows or high pressure to avoid hardening of the sur-
face before the head is formed and the hole completely filled.
Quenched or refrigerated aluminum-alloy rivets shall be driven
In accordance with approved engineering practice.
Use of standard ltems.- To facilitate Interchangeability
and mainter.ante of materiel, standard Items, such as hardware
(ruts, bolts, rivets, washers and pins ) electrical components
(resistors, capacitors-, relays, fuses, switches, electron tubes,
transformers, and meters ) and other standard parts shall con-
form to Ordnance Corps approved standard drawings. The contract-
or shall use the ordnance corps approved standard drawings and
the associated part numbers.
to prepare an individual drawing (
see 3.5) when Standards for
these items exist; however, standard drawing numbers shall ap-
pear on the tabulated List of Drawings" format and all assembly
.3.7.1 Precedence of standard drawings. - The order of precedence
for filing materiel standards shall be as follows:
(a) Military Standards Preferred for Ordnance
(b) Ordnance Engineering Standards 1/ (commonly known
as "BEFAX" drawings)
Military Standards
Ordnance Divisional Standards, F12e -Control 1/
Ordnance Corps drawings for parts peculiar. If stand-
ard item are not included in c and d above, drawings
must then be screened through established channels
for possible duplicatlon.
These standards shall continue to be used for design and
engineering until the items have been replaced by Military
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