| ![]() MIL-F- 14252( AR )
3.7.2 Avail ability OF drawings for standard items. - Drawings
for standard tems may be obt a ined thr ough t he contracting "of-
ficer upon application.
3.8 Finish, mechanical. - The method for specifying finishes
shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-1O. Finishes on
all drawings-prepared for the Ordnance Corps under this specifi-
cation (see 3.5) shall be indicated by numerical RMS roughness
values. The degrees of finishes required for surfaces of fire-
control materiel shall conform to Standard URAX6. The old
system of letter symbols for roughness designation (g, cf, f, ff
and fg) used on Ordnance or contractor drawings shall be con-
verted to the numerical surface roughness symbols in accordance
with the conversion sheets of Standard URAX6.
3.8.1 Corners and sharp edges .- Unless otherwise specified on
the drawingss all corners and edges shown sharp shall be broken
to a radius of 0.005 to 0.03 Inch or bevelled at a 45 degree
angle. Where parts fit or work together, the corners shall be
broken so that no interference occurs. All sharp edges, burrs,
and rough surfaces of threads shall be removed, especially
from conduit fittings, solid or flexible conduit, and any other
part with which the insulation of electrical wiring may come
In direct contact.
3.8.2 W o r m s . - The sharp corners of the flat at the top of the
thread the worm shall have a slight radius before the worm
is fitted to its worm gear or segment. Before final assembly,
a check
shall be made to Insure that the worm is not bottoming
in the worm gear or segment.
3.8.3 Fillets.
- The radii of all fillets must comply with the
values specified on the applicable drawings and the surface
finish of all fillets must comply with that finish specified
for the adjacent surfaces.
3.9 Finish, painting and protective.- Painting, plating, and
protective finishes shall be in accordance with Specification
MIL-P-12011 whenever applicable. Where Ordnance Corps drawings
are not in effect, instruments, parts and equipment, commercial
tools and articles, except those made from materials which are
resistant, such as stainless steel, shall
have suitable protective finishes conforming to Specification
MIL-P-12911 to resist salt spray, abrasion, chemical corrosion,
and galvanic corrosion due to contact of dissimilar metals. .
3 . 9 . 1 F e r r o u s alloys. - Corrosion-reststaat ferrous alloys shall
be given a passivation treatment but need not receive any other
protective plating or finish, unless such finish or plating Is
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