| ![]() MIL-F- 14252( AR)
necessary or desirable for electrical or mechanical reasons.
Passivation treatment of straight chromium stainless steels shall
not be required where corrosion-resistant properties are ade-
quate. The iron or steel used In magnetic circuits need not be
plated OF given a protective finish If they are otherwise pro-
tected against corrosion. Corrosion-resisting steel.- All components made of cor-
rosion-resisti ng steels conforming to classes 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9
of "Specification QQ-S-763, classes 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of Specifi-
cation QQ-S-766, and Specification MIL-T-8606 shall be treated
In accordance with finish 25.01 of Specification MIL-P-12011.
3 . 9 . 1 . 2 G e a r s - Steel gears shall be given a final finish In
accordance with finishes 22.04, grade 1 or
class A Or B
of Specification MIL-P-12011, whichever is applicable. Hydrogen embrittlement relief treatment.- After being
subject to electrolyte c cleaning or after he application of
electrodeposits of cadmium, copper,
chromium~ nickel or zincs
ferrous alley components of high carbon content or cold-worked
low carbon steels requiring good ductility, fatigue resistance
and impact strength shall be given the hydrogen embrittlement
relief treatment as specified in process 26 of Specification
MIL-P-12011. Non-ferrous metals do not require this treatment
3.9.2 Non-ferrous alloys Aluminum.- Aluminum shall be anodized in accordance with
the series 23 finishes in Specification MIL-P-12011. Where
weldments are Specified, the chromic acid finishes, series as.ol
or 25.02 of Specification MIL-P-12011 shall be preferred. Copper and tin plating. - Unless otherwise specified,
copper and in plati ng shall b e 0 . 0 0 0 4 t o 0 . 0 0 0 6 i n c h e s t h i c k .
- Magnesium shall be treated in accordance Magnesium.
with the appliable series 23 finishes of Specification MIL-P-
12011. Finishes 23.05 through 23.11 are pre-treatments to
painting and are not finish systems. Electrical equipment finish.- Cadmium and zinc plating
of electronic chassis and panels is permissible only when follow-
ed by a chromate treatment and painting. Zinc plating shall
conform to finish 21.11, classes GSC, LSC or RSC of Specifica-
tion MIL-F-12011. Cadmium plating shall conform to finish 21.01,
classes NSC, OSC or TSC of Specification MIL-P-12011.
3.9.3 Impregnation of castings. - Unless otherwise specified,
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