| ![]() MIL-F- 14252( AR)
3.11 .5,1 Wirewound fixed resistors - Where high accuracy (0.1%
tolerance and ruggedness is required, selected wirewound, non-
In computing ap
inductive presision resistors shall be used.
plications resistance values In excess of 100,000 ohms should be
avoided wherever possible. Power resistors should not be locat-
ed close to sensitive circuitry. Precision resistor Input net-
works shall be balanced, shielded and mounted as close as possible
to the computing amplifier.
3 . 1 1 . 5 . 2 Potentiometers and rheostats.- Potentiometers employed
as volume control S h a l l be wirewound construction
and shall provide a means for staking to obviate turning of the
part when the shaft is rotated. Unless otherwise specified,
composition potentiometers shall not be used. Power rheostats
shall not be located Close to sensitive circuitry. Large wire-
wound rheostats shall be of the type using a ceramic covered
resistance element.
3.11.6 Transformers and inductors
3.11 .6.1 Audio power,
Transformers shall coform to specification MIL-T-27 and, unless
otherwise specified, shall be grade 1*. The class of
transformer or inductor shall be such that the maximum operat-
ing temperature, as specified, will not be exceeded when the
equipment is subjected to the specified service conditions.
3 . 1 1 . 6 . 1 . 1 Core. - The core of cased units shall be electrically
grounded to - c a s e . Size and weight. - Transformers and Inductors shall
as practicable, consistent with required
be as small and light
performance and life
. Intermediate and radio frequency.- Radio frequencY
coils and intermedi ate and radio frequency transformers shall be
in accordance with Specification MIL-C-15305. Intermediate and
radio frequency transformers and COIlS unless hermetically
sealed or of the single layer type, shall be vacuum impregnated
In accordance with specification MIL-T-l3867 or an equivilent
procedure which will Insure compliance of all electrical charact-
ertstics after the specified humidity test and shall also be
non supporting to fungus growth. Variable
inductors.- When a roller or slider Is used
in contact with the conductor of variable inductors, suitable
provision shall be made to limit the travel of the roller or
slider to prevent its leaving the conductor.
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