| ![]() MIL-F- 14252( AR )
3 . 1 1 . 7 R e l a y s . - Relays shall conform to Specification MIL-R-
5757. and shall be of the sealed type wherever practicable. Use
of unsealed relays shall be subject to approval of the contract-
ing officer.
3.11.8 M e t e r s . - Unless otherwise specified, meters shall con-
form to Specification MIL-M-6. Where design requirements dictate
the use of a rugged type meter, Specification MIL-M-103O4 shall
be used.
devices.- Unless otherwise specified, power
3.11.9 Protective
Input circuits shall be protected by fuses or by circuit break-
ers connected directly to all input terminals. Where practicable,
other circuits shall be protected by suitable means to prevent
damage from incorrect adjustment of the equipment, short or open
circuits, and failure of tubes or other parts. Protective de-
vices shall be conveniently located and arranged for safe and
easy renewal or resetting. Panel-mounted fuse posts shall be
such that the fuses can be renewed without use of tools.
3.11.10 Synchros. - Synchros shall conform to the types listed
Extra precaution should be exercised in mounting
jn 6.4.
receiver type synchros in dust free spaces to prevent sluggish
operation of the precision bearings.
3.11.11 Selenium rectifiers . Selenturn rectifiers of the open
construction type shall conform to specification M1L-R-1105O.
3.11.12 Electron tubes . Electron tubes shall conform to Speci-
fication MIL-E-l and shall be of the types listed In Standard
MIL-STD-200, wherever possible. The number of tube types In a
particular equipment shall be kept to a minimum consistent with
obtaining the specified performance with the best design pract-
ices. Non-standard and non-preferred tube types.- If there
are compelling reasons for use of non-standard and non-preferred
tubes~ the contractor shall request approval thereof and shall
include the following data:
(a) Detai.led. explanation of need for the proposed tubes,
with data showing the advantages thereof.
(b) Information on the availability of the proposed
tubes for maintenance of the equipment.
[c) Tube specification sheets (unless the tubes are
covered by specification MIL-E-1 or other Govern-
ment Specifications, having comparable requirements
and tests, giving the required ratings, character-
istics, and l!.nits and referencing by paragraph
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