| ![]() MIL- F- W52 (
AR )
number and heading those paragraphs In the basic
section of specification MIL-E-I which are ap-
plicable for tube requirements and tests.
3.11 .12.2 Tube limits and ratings. - The equipment shall be such
that specified tube limits and ratings will not be exceeded when
the equipment is subjected to service conditions~ within the
limits of good design, a tube may exceed normal rating in cer-
tain cases (e.g., a blocking oscillator). In order to operate
electron tubes within permissible bulb temperature devices
which conduct heat to the case of the instrument may he used.
Tubes that operate at high temperatures shall not be located
near sensitive circuitry. In extreme low temperature applica-
tions, mercury vapor tubes shall not be used. Non-selection of tubes.- Unless otherwise approved by
the contracting officer, specif ied performance of the equipment
shall be obtained without selection of tubes. If the contract-
or finds it impossible to meet specified equipment performance
without selection of tubes, he shall so inform the contracting
officer and include:
(a) Evidence that use of selected tubes cannot be avoid-
ed by adjustment or minor redesign of the equip-
ment .
(b) Complete detailed information on the narrower limits
or special characteristics of selected tubes.
(c) Information on availability of selected tubes for
maintenance of the equipment.
Current regulating tubes.- Current regulating tubes of the
non-electron type shall conform to specification MIL-T-3080. Tube sockets arid accessories. - Tube sockets and ac-
cessories shall conform to Specifi cation JAN-s-28. Tube clamps.- Electron tubes shall be provided with
suitable tube clamps so that the tubes; will be retained firmly
in their sockets when the equipment is subjected to service
conditisns . Tube clamps shall be capable of gripping firmly
any tubing within specified dimensions and tolerances. Wherever
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