| ![]() MIL-F- 14252( AR )
5.2 Unit packaging. - Unless otherwise specified, all fire-
control materiel shall be individually unit packaged unless
combinations of items are required to make a complete, service-
able Item, in which case the combination shall be packaged or
packed In a unit. Where applicable materiel shall be pro-
tected by the use of proper cleaning methods, followed by the
application of the specified corrosion-preventive compounds
and protective wrapping or by dehydrated packaging. (Materiel
specifically designed for arctic use do not require corrosion-
preventive compounds). Unit packages shall be so designed as
to immobilize fully and cushion the item against shock and
5.3 Type of shipment.- The contract or contracting officer
shall specify the Level of packing required.
5.4 Marking. - All markings shall conform to Standard MIL-STD-129
unless oth erwise specified
Ordering data.- The invitation for bids, the contract, the
letter order, or other fire-control materiel purchasing documents
should Include the following:
6. Spare parts .- Statement of the spare parts and equip-
ment to be furnished with the fire-control item.
6.2 qualification.- In the procurement of products requiring
qualificatfon, th e right Is reserved to reject bids on products
that have not been subjected to the required tests and found
satisfactory for inclusion on the Qualified Products List.
The attention of suppliers is called to this requirement and
manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that
they propose to offer to the Federal Government tested for
qualification In order that they be eligible to be awarded con-
tracts or orders for the products covered by this specification.
Information pertaining to qualification of products covered by
this specification may be obtained from the Frankford Arsenal,
Fire Control Instrument Group, Philadelphia 37, Penna.
6.3 Models - Prospective bidders should be allowed to examine
available models= They should also be allowed to study the manu-
facturing methods and facilities of the Government establishment
which produced the model at the discretion of the Government.
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