| ![]() MIL-F-14252 ( AR )
air above the liquid shall then be reduced to approximately
1 inch of mercury and maintained for 1 minute or until air.
bubbles substantially cease to be given off by the liquid,
whichever is the longer. The absolute pressure shall then be
increased to 2-112 inches cf mercury. Any bubbles coming
from within the equipment case shall be considered as leakage.
Bubbles which are the result of entrapped air on the various
exterior parts of the case shall not be considered as a leak.
A helium leak detecter or other means of test, equal or
superior in sensitivity to the immesion test method described
above$ may be used upon approval by the procuring agency.
Procedure .IIo- Same as procedure I. However, In lieu
4. 3.12.2
of evacuation, a pressurized system IS used using clean,0 dry 0
air or nitrogen having a dew point of' at least minus 32 C (-25 F)
to pressurize the equipment under test to a pressure of 10" Hg
before immersion of the equipment In the test liquid. Procedure III.- Clean, d0 , inert gas having a dew
point of at least minus 32 c (-25 F shall be used to pressurize
The equipment under a test pressure of 2 psi. An appropriate
leak detector shall be used in order to determine if the
equipment IS watertight (leakproOf).
4. 4.3.13 High potential
Procedure I A potential of 750 volts (rms) plus
twice the rates VOlt age shall be applied instantaneously for
a period not less than 5 seconds nor more than 30 seconds.
after this test, the equipment shall conform to results of
PRocedure 11.- Same as procedure I, except that test
shall be 1 0 0 0 volts (rms) plus twice the rated voltage.
Preservation., packaging and packing.- The contractor shall
furnish all necessary labor and materials to properly preserve,
package, and pack for shipment in accordance with the require-
ments of the contract$ the detail specification, cr any other
applicable speCification. In the absence sof ldetail packaging
ha l be used as a
specifications, Specification MIL-P-116
guide in providing adequate protection for items (or materiel)
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