| ![]() MIL-F-20627B
seal suitably between the upper and lower seal
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings,
and publications required by suppliers in connection
plates when separated the minimum and maximum
with specific procurement functions should be ob-
distance shown on figures 1 and 2.
tained from the procuring activity or as directed by
the contracting officer.) Filter case. - The case of a type I
filter assembly shall incorporate reinforced relet
2.2 Other publications. - The following docu-
and outlet openings threaded to receive standard
ments form a part of this specification to the extent
pipe thread fittings. The design shall be such as to
specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the
facilitate cleaning of the case interior and to per-
issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or re-
mit removal and replacement of the filter element
quest for proposal shall apply.
without disconnecting any attached fuel lines or
fittings. Exterior surfaces of the case and cover
shall be given the manufacturer's standard com -
mercial finish.
D-2 - Proposed Method of Test for Particulate
3.2.2 Type XI (filter elements). -
Matter in Hydrocarbons.
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Metal standpipes. - Metal standpipes
American Society For Testing and Materials, 1916
of type II elements shall be coated or plated with
a metal to give an element life, without deterioration,
Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.)
of approximately 500 hours in the presence of sea-
water contaminated engine fuels Cadmium plat -
Uniform Freight Classification Rules.
ing has been found satisfactory, however, other
material may be substituted as approved by the
(Application for copies should be addressed to the
bureau or agency concerned.
Official Classification Committee, 1 Park Avenue at Dimensions. - Type II, classes 1 and 2
33rd Street, New York 16, New York.)
shaIl conform to the design dimensions and arrange-
ments shown on figure 3.
3.1 Qualification. - The filter assembly and Both ends of the element shall be
filter element shall be a product which has been
provided with a flat resilient sealing surface inte
tested and passed the qualification tests specified
gral with the element or mechanically attached
thereto and shall suitably seal between upper and
herein, and has been listed on or approved for list -
lower seal plates as shown on figures 1 and 2.
ing on the applicable qualified products list.
3.2 Description. -
3.2.2..2.1.1 Class 1. - Class 1 elements shall
be designed so that two of them stacked end-to-end
3.2.1 Type I, filter assembly. -
may be interchanged with one class 2 element.
3.3 Performance characteristics. - Type I filter assembles shall consist of
a metal case, case cover, cover gaskets, and suit-
3.3.1 Media migration (type II). - When fliter
able cover fastening and mounting arrangements
elements are tested as specified in 4.5.3, there
shall be no more than 0.5 milligram of media Materials. - Type I filter assembles for
migrating from each class 1 element and one milli-
shipboard application shall be fabricated from brass
gram from each class 2 element.
or bronze which exhibits a high degree of corrosion
resistance with seawater contaminated engine fuels
3.3.2 Flow rate and filter ability (type. II). -
Specification of brass or bronze does not preclude
the acceptance of other satisfactory materials as
3.3.2. 1 Flow rate - Type II, class 1 and 2
approved by the bureau or agency concerned
elements shall be tested as specified in 4.5 4 The Dimensions. - Type I, filter assemblies
pressure drop across the element(s) shall not ex-
shall conform to the dimensions for the applicable
ceed 6.0 inches of mercury at a flow rate of 200
gallons per hour (gph) The average solids content
size as shown on figures 1 and 2.
of the effluent samples taken during the first 30 Seals .- Seals shall be an integral part
minutes of the test shall not exceed 1 milligram per
of the element or be mechanically secured to the top
liter when analyzed in accordance with
and bottom of the filter element. The element shall
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