| ![]() MIL-F-20627B
The workmanship shall be
3.7 Workmanship. Filtering ability. - The filter elements
such as to produce filter assemblies and filter ele-
shall be tested in accordance with 4.5.4. The dirt
ments in accordance with the design and operating
storage capacity of one class 2 or two class 1 cle-
characteristics specified herein and in accordance
ment(s) shall be not less than 200 grams. The pres-
with the practices used in the manufacturing of
sure drop shall not exceed 15 pounds per square
similar items of good commerical quality.
inch (p.s.i.) during the test. The average solids
content of the effluent samples taken during the ad-
dition of the 200 grams of solid contaminant shall
not exceed 10 milligrams per liter when analyzed in
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless
accordance with Analysis of the samples
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
for water content is not required.
order, the supplier is responsible for the perform-
ance of all inspection requirements as specified
3.3.3 Differential pressure (element). - The
herein. Except as otherwise specified, the sup-
filter element shall show no evidence of deformation
plier may utilize his own facilities or any com-
or damage when tested in accordance with 4.5.5.
mercial laboratory acceptable to the Government.
The Government reserves the right to perform any
3.3.4 Shock .- Filter assemblies of type I,
of the Impactions set forth in the specification
class 1 and 2 and type II, class 1 and 2 shall be
where such inspections are deemed necessary
shock tested in accordance with 4.5.7. After being
to assure supplies and services conform to pre-
subjected to the shock test the assembly and ele-
scribed requirements
ment(s) shall meet the requirements of MIL-S-901.
Performance after shock shall be defined as meet-
4.2 Materials and equipment required for tests. -
ing the requirement of 3.3.2 for the flow rate and
Materials and equipment required to conduct the
filter ability and 3.3.5 for pressure test. Accept-
tests specified herein shall be as follows:
ability of filter assembly and element shall be
determined separately. Failure of one will not
(a) Standard filter or filter element. - A
necessarily be cause for rejection of the other.
standard filter or a standard filter ele-
ment required shall be in accordance
3.3.5 Pressure (case) (type I). - The filter as-
with the applicable provisions specified
sembly for the type I, filters shall be capable, when
tested-as specified in 4.5.6, of withstanding a pres-
(b) Reference test oils. - Test oils required
sure of not less than 150 p.s.i. without showing any
in the test methods shall conform to the
evidence of leakage, permanent deformation or other
damage. The class 3 and 4 filter assemblies shall
(1) Marine Diesel fuel oil in accord-
withstand a pressure of 100 p.s.i.
ance with MIL-F-16884.
(2) Viscous oil .- Any type of viscous
3.4 Product identification. - All filter assemblies
oil or lubricant may be used for
and filter elements shall be plainly marked in ac-
the differential pressure test
cordance with MIL-STD-130. Marking shall include
specified in 4.5.5. A No. 6
the following information:
boiler fuel has been found satis-
Filter assembly, filter element (whichever is
(c) Contaminant .- Solids contaminant shall
applicable), fluid, pressure; for engines with
be standardized air cleaner test dust,
liquid fuel injection systems.
fine grade, package No. 1543094 (this
material may be obtained from AC
Federal stock No.
Spark Plug Division, General Motors
Manufacturer's name or trademark.
Corporation, Flint, Michigan), having
3.5 Interchangeability. - All parts having the
an approximate particle size distrtibution
same manufacturer's part number shall be function-
as shown in table I.
ally and dimensionally interchangeable. The draw-
Table I - Particle size distribution
ing number requirements of MIL-D-70327 shall
govern changes in the manufacturer's part number.
3.6 P a r t s . - Parts not specified herein shall be
selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143.
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