| ![]() MIL-F-20627B
the Bureau of Ships. Qualification tests shall con-
Table I - Particle size distribution (cont'd).
sist of the tests shown in table II.
4.3.1 Samples of filter assemblies and filter
elements to be submitted for qualification tests. - T y p e I, filter assembly. - A type I,
class 2 filter assembly shall be submitted for
qualification tests for filter assemblies intended
for combatant applications or a class 4 filter as-
sembly shall be submitted for qualification tests
4.3 Qualification tests- .- Qualification tests
for filter assemblies intended for noncombatant
shall be conducted at a laboratory satisfactory to
applications. Classes 1 and 3 filter assemblies
shall be subjected to a pressure differential test
for qualification tests shall be made
only, when the manufacturer's classes 2 and 4 fil-
ter assemblies of the same basic design and work-
in accordance with "Provisions Governing Quali-
manship have passed the qualification tests.
fication" (see 6.3 and 6.4).
4.4.2 Type II, filter elements. - Type II, filter elements. - A type II,
class 2 filter element shall be submitted for quali- Lot for filter elements. - A lot shall
fication tests for filter elements. Class 1 filter
consist of all filter elements of the same type,
elements shall be subjected to a pressure differen-
class and size produced in one manufacturing plant
tial test only, when the manufacturer's class 2 fil-
and offered for delivery at one time.
ter element of the same basic design and workman-
ship has passed the qualification tests.
4. 4.2.2 Sampling for examination. - Sample
filter elements shall be selected from each lot in
4.4 Sampling for quality conformance inspec-
accordance with MIL-STD-105 at inspection level
tion. -
II for the examination specified in
4.4.1 Type I, filter assemblies. - Sampling for tests. - Sample filter Lot for filter assembly. - A lot shall
elements shall be selected from each lot in ac-
consist of not more than 1,000 filter assembles of
cordance with inspection level L-8 of MIL-STD-
the same type, class and size offered for delivery at
105 for the test specified in 4.5.3 and at inspec-
one time.
tion level L-5 for the test specified in 4.5.4.
if any filter element fails in either test the Sampling for examination and tests. -
lot represented by the sample shall be re-
Sample filter assemblies shall be selected in ac-
cordance with MIL-STD- 105 at inespection level III
for the examination of and the tests speci-
4.4.3 Samples for comparison inspection. -
fied in Any filter assembly having one or
Two sample elements shall be selected for the
more defects shall be rejected. Lots shall be ac-
comparison inspection specified in 4.6.
cepted or rejected in accordance with acceptable
quality level (AQL) of 1.5 percent defective
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