| ![]() MIL-F-21572(Wep)
Nomenclature and Nameplates for Aeronautical Electronic
and Associated Equipment
Electric Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and Utilization of
MS 25245
Connections, Input Power Airborne Electronic Equipment;
28-Volt DC, 115-Volt Single-Phase AC, or 115/200 Volt
3-Phase AC, or Combinations.
B u r e a u of Naval Weapons
Material Changes and Material Bulletins, Preparation of
Bureau of Naval Weapons
List of Drawings (BuAer) for Amplifier-Power Supply
AM- 2014/AWW-l (also lists drawings for Oscillator,
Radio Frequency O-562/AWW-1)
List of Drawings (BuAer) for Control, Fuze Function
External Wiring Diagram (BuAer) for Fuze Function
Control Set AN/AWW-l
2.2 Availability of Documents:
(1) When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications
refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and applicable
specifications required by contractors in connection with specific pro-
curement functions may be obtained upon application to the Commanding
Officer, Naval Supply- Depot, Code CDS, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia
20, Pennsylvania.
(2) Copies of applicable drawings maybe obtained upon application to the
Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Avionics Facility, Indianapolis 18,
Indiana. (See 6.3)
3.1. Parts and Materials- - In the selection of parts and materials, fulfillment of major
design objectives shall be the prime consideration. In so doing the following shall govern
(1) Parts and materials requirements shall conform to Specification
MIL-E- 5400.
(2) Nonrepairable subassemblies, as outlined in specification MIL-E-5400,
shall be used when practicable. The general size of the subassembly,
and the amount of circuitry to be included therein shall be approved by
the precuring activity. Non expendable subassemblies must be reliable.
A mean-time-to failure of more than 5000 hours should be the goal of each
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