| ![]() MIL-F-21572(WEP)
(3) When previously produced models of this equipment did not use nonrepair-
able subassemblies, the design shall not be changed to employ nonrepairable
assemblies without the approval of the procuring activity.
Nonstandard Parts and Material Approval - Approval for the use of nonstandard
parts and materials shall be obtained as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400.
3.1.2 Electron Devices - Electron tubes, transistors and diodes shall be chosen and
applied, and the complements reported as outlined in Specification MIL-E-4682. The comple-
ment report must be submitted to the procuring activity for review and approval prior to pre-
production testing.
Design and Construction
3.2.1 General - The equipment shall conform with all the applicable requirements of
Specification MIL-E-5400 for design, construction and workmanship, unless otherwise specified
3.2.2 Total Weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding cables, shall be a
minimum consistent with good design and shall not exceed 16 7/8 pounds.
Operating Life - Operational Stability - The equipment shall operate with optimum performance
for 3 hours, continuously or intermittently, without the necessity for readjustment of any con-
trols which are inaccessible during flight. Total Operating Life - The equipment shall have a minimum total operating life
of 1000 hours with reasonable servicing and replacement of parts. Parts requiring replacement
within this interval and the life of such parts shall be specified by the manufacturer. Mean Operating Time Between Failures - The equipment snail have a minimum
of 200 hours of mean operating time between failures. A failure shall be defined as any mal-
functioning which causes the equipment to fail to meet the minimum performance requirements
specified for the equipment.
3.2.4 Cabling and Connections - Cables and Connectors - The equipment shall provide for the use of cables and
connectors in accordance with Specification MIL-E-5400. Interconnection Cabling - The equipment shall be capable of satisfactory oper-
ation using external wiring in accordance with the applicable requirements of Specification
MIL-W-5088. The external wiring shall be unshielded, except that a minimum number of the
individual wires may be shielded when demonstrated as necessary to meet interference control
requirements and provided the assembly of the cable to its plugs may be easily accomplished.
External cables and that portion of the connectors attached to the cables shall not be supplied
as part of the equipment. Input Power Connection - Input power connections shall be in accordance with
Control Panels - All rack or console mounted control panels shall conform to
the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-C-6781. The configuration of all control
panels must be approved by the procuring activity prior to preproduction testing.
3.2.6 Interchangeability - The equipment shall meet the interchangeability requirements
as defined in Specification MIL-E-5400.
AUTH:MIL-F-21572 (WEP)
Notice 1 dtd 9 June 1964
T-INV. 00026 . NSD PHILA ., PA.
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