| ![]() MIL-F-21572(Wep)
(1) Contract -The contract shall have precedence over any specification.
(2) This Specification - This specification shall have precedence over all
applicable subsidiary specifications. Any deviation from this specifica-
tion, or from subsidiary specifications where applicable, shall be
specifically approved in writing by the procuring activity.
(3) Referenced Specifications - Any referenced specification shall have
precedence over all applicable subsidiary specifications referenced
therein. All referenced specifications shall apply to the extent speci-
6.3 Availability of Drawings - Complete sets of manufacturing drawings are avail-
able for the Fuze Function Control Set AN AWW- 1. These drawings are listed in List of Draw-
ings 57A23AsKl and 57A22ASK1 (with the exception of Drawing 57A21D4). If drawings are re-
quired, request List of Drawings 57A23AsKl and 57A22ASKl and copies of all drawings listed
therein, plus Drawing 57A21D4. Request for drawings must contain a statement of justifica-
tion for actual need in relation to a government contract.
6.4 Performance Objectives - Minimum size and weight, simplicity of operation, ease
of maintenance, and an. .improvement in the performance and reliability of the specific functions
... ...
beyond the requirements of this specification are objectives which shall be considered in the
production of this equipment Where it appears a substantial reduction in size and weight or
improvement in simplicity of design, performance, ease of maintenance or reliability will re-
sult from the use of materials, parts and processes other than those specified in Specification
NIL-E-5400, it is desired their use be investigated. When investigation shows advantages
can be realized, a request for approval shall be submitted to the procuring activity for con-
sideration. Each request shall be accompanied by complete supporting information.
6.5 The parentheses ( * ), when used in the type designation, shall be replaced by either
a number of letter furnished by the procuring activity upon application by the contractor for assign-
ment of nomenclature in accordance with 3.2.9. The complete type number shall be used on
nameplates, shipping records and instruction books, as applicable.
NOTICE - When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for
any purpose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement
operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any
obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished
or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications or other data is not to be
regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any
other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture,
use or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto.
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