| ![]() MIL-F-26301F
4.3 Conformance inspection.
4.3.1 Inspection of product for delivery. Inspection of product for delivery shall consist of the group A inspection
specified in table III. Inspection lot. An inspection lot shall consist of all flashers covered by a single military standard or
specification sheet, produced under essentially the same conditions within a period not to exceed 4 weeks, or 500
units, whichever occurs first, and offered for inspection at one time. Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table III in
the order shown. Sampling plan. Group A inspection shall be performed on 100 percent of the flashers furnished under
this specification. Rejected lots. The lot shall be rejected if more than 10 percent of the flashers fail to pass group A
inspection. If an inspection lot is rejected, the supplier may rework it to correct the defects and resubmit for
inspection. Such lots shall be separated from new lots and shall be clearly identified as reinspected lots. Individual
flashers which are rejected from accepted lots may be reworked, when practicable, and may be resubmitted for
inspection. Disposition of sample units. Sample flashers which have passed all the group A inspections may be
delivered on the contract or purchase order, if the lot is accepted and sample flashers are still within specified
electrical tolerances.
TABLE III. Group A inspection.
Inspection 1/
Flash characteristics
Voltage drop
Visual and mechanical
3.1, 3.3, 3.4,
3.18, and 3.19
1/ Flashers shall be tested at a rated voltage and rated lamp load.
4.4 Methods of inspection. When applicable, testing of flashers with plug-in terminations shall be performed with
the appropriate connector mated to the flasher.
4.4.1 Visual and mechanical examination. External. Flashers shall be examined to verify that the materials, external design and construction,
physical dimensions, marking, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements (see 3.1, 3.3,
3.4, 3.18, and 3.20).
4.4.2 Flash characteristics (3.5.4). Flash rate (see Flashers shall be tested at an atmospheric pressure of approximately 29.92
inches and a room temperature of 23C 5C over the input voltage range specified in 3.5.2. Single output circuits (see Flashers shall be operated at rated voltage for 5 minutes for
compliance with the flashing requirements specified (see 3.1) by loading in turn with the specified maximum rated
and minimum rated lamp load. Flashers shall be operated 80 percent of the time at maximum rated load and 20
percent of the time at minimum rated load. The flash rate shall be as specified (see 3.1). Dual output circuits (see Flashers shall be operated as specified in except that the
operation cycle shall be 10 minutes. The flash rate shall be as specified (see 3.1).
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