| ![]() MIL-F-45556A Parts and assemblies. Parts and assemblies shall be
visually and manually examined to determine compliance with the
materials, construction and design requirements of 3.2 and the app-
licable requirements of 3.2.1 through 3.2.15. Parts and assemblies
failing to meet the requirements shall be rejected. Solenoid operation. Feeders shall be examined for
solenoid operation requirements (See after the solenoid
dielectric withstanding voltage test by applying 22 and 32 volts
direct current to the solenoid to assure that the actuating shaft is
operated to declutch the feeder and that when the solenoid is deener-
gizd it allow the actuating shaft to return to its normal extend extended
position under spring action. (Do not energize the solenoid for more
than 15 seconds.) Solenoid dielectric withstanding voltage. Feeders
shall be examined for solenoid diecltric withstanding voltage re-
quirement (see using a current limited high potential tester
in accordance with Drawing A7273225 and an electronic timer in accord-
ance with Drawing A7273227. The high potential voltage shall be appplied
for five seconds between the coil terminals and grounded metal parts. Electrical circuit. Examine feeders for continuity
(see using a volt-ohm-millammeter tester in accordance with
Drawing A7273226. Continuity of the solenoid circuit shall be examined
by applying the low voltage across connector contact pins "A" and "B".
During the check, the lead wires shall be manipulated and any variation
in the ohmeter scale shall be considered as attributable to a faulty
connection. Timing. Feeders shall be examined for timing re-
quirement (see 3.2.17) using the inspection equipment in accordance
with Drawing F7273739. The gage shall be attached to the feeder and
with the feeder gear engaged to the shaft, the feeder gear shall be
rotated to engage the index pin into the feeder index hole. The gage
timing plunger shall then be depressed between the nearest gear teeth
as the index pin is released. With the feeder gear in this position
the gage shall indicate whether the timing requirement has been met. Torque. Feeders shall be examind for torque require-
ment (see 3.2.18) using the inspection equipment in accordance with Draw-
ing D7273309. The feeder shall be held in a horizontal position, the
feeder gear fully engaged with the feeder shaft, and the feeder shaft
spring loosened when the inspection equipment is attached and the feeder
gear and shaft-rotated.
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