| ![]() MIL-F-45556A Visually examine all markings required by the final
assembly drawing to assure they are clear and legible. Visually examine the identification plate for compl-
iance with the applicable drawing, for secure assembly (see 3.6),
serialization and to assure that all pertinent data has been applied.
4.5.3 Testing. Failure data. Unless otherwise specified herein, all
tests shall be conducted on a complete feeder. If test requirements
cited herein are not met, acceptance of shall be deferred and the
contractor shall accomplish as applicable, the following actions:
a. Conduct a failure analysis study performing a dimensional
physical and visual examination of the components which
are suspected to be the cause of failure or malfunciton.
b. Evaluate and correct the applicable production processes
and procedures to prevent recurrence of the same defect(s)
in future production.
c. Examine feeders, partially assembled feeders, and com-
ponents (including components and subassemblies at in-
process or final assembly) to insure that material
containing the same defect is purged from the invent-
ory and not presented to the Government for acceptance.
d. Submit the results of the failure analysis and the
corrective actions taken to the Government for review
and approval prior to submitting a reconditioned lot
or reconditioned feeder for retest. Function testing. Each feeder shall be tested for
functioning (see 3.3.1) usinng the test method specified in 4.6.1.
Feeders failing to meet the requirements shall be cause for re-
jection. Endurance testing. Lot size. The initial endurance test lot size shall
consist of the initial month's production; subsequent endurance test
lot sizes shall consist of f100 feeders. Procedure. One feeder shall be selected from each
endurance lot and shall be tested for endurance (see 3.3.2) using
the test methods specified in 4.6.2. Failure of the feeder to meet
the requirements shall be cause for rejection of the represented
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